Do all liquids evaporate at the same rate?

Last week it was time to conduct our next experiment which allowed us to discover whether all liquids evaporate at the same rate.

Before starting the experiment, we made a prediction about whether we though they would or not. It was great seeing children making reference to the viscosity and how this would impact the rate it evaporates.

Once we made out predictions, we set up the experiment and observed the changes over the next few days.

Summer holiday camps

We have camps being held at school in the summer holidays

Please see the links below:

Week 1:

Week 2:

There is a FAQ on Active Fusion’s website to refer to if you have any questions.

Read the following for your HAF code when applying:

Families that are eligible for free school meals in Doncaster were sent a letter on 31stΒ May to their home address from the benefits team, this letter has information about the HAF and a unique code for each child in the household. When it comes to book, if they have misplaced or forgot the code they can contact the benefits or HAF team ([email protected]) and a code will be sent to them.

Computing – animation

After returning from half term, we had an opportunity to work more independently on the skills we practiced before half term. Before half term, we were asked to create an animation however, this was something we’d very little experience with it so depended on the expert.

In this session, children were able to complete the task with minimal support showing they had learned how to successfully put the blocks together to create an animation.

Art in MI

Some of us started working with water colours this afternoon in our art session. We used water colours to paint our own bees πŸ™‚ We were all super focussed and loved doing this after a morning of assessments.

The other half of MI worked independently on some sketching. Children used a step by step clip to create their own drawing of a bee. There were some great first drafts πŸ™‚ We can’t wait for our final versions!

Handwriting Focus

Crew Hamill have worked extremely hard over the last two weeks to improve their handwriting. On Friday, we stripped things right back to focusing on each letter of the alphabet and how to write this cursively. We then worked through handwriting sheets that had been made on the yellow lines we use to support our writing in writing lessons. Miss Hamill also gave us a set of these sheets to take home for homework so that we have even more practise of cursive!

Analogue to Digital

Following our success with reading time on an analogue clock, Crew Hamill moved on to look at digital clocks. We discussed how we could find these in lots of places – on some watches, our phones, microwaves, ovens… We then looked at how to read a digital clock properly and what each of the digits means. Following this, we used our new knowledge to correctly match analogue clocks to digital clocks as well as the time in words.

Veruca Poem – Demonstration Comprehension

On Friday, Crew Hamill started their demo comp lesson by finding our vocabulary words from around the room and matching them to a sheet of definitions. We then worked as a crew to answer a guided demonstration question which was also focused on vocabulary. Following this, we used the skills we had learned in the guided question to work in pairs to answer two questions independently.

Violet Beauregarde Book Talk

This week, Crew Hamill have continued their poetry focus by looking at a poem about Violet Beauregarde from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. This helped us to compare and contrast her character to Augustus Gloop who we looked at last week. Our fluency focus this week has been on accuracy – ensuring we are following the text properly. We magpied some brilliant reading ideas from Crew Shields and Crew MI to help us with this. We learned how to use our rulers to move from line to line in the text, ensuring we didn’t miss any out which would impact on how fluently we read (thanks, Crew Shields!). We also accurately followed the individual words with our fingers which allowed us to keep up with where we were in the text (thanks, Crew MI!) After reading through the text several times, we have looked at answering questions with Miss Hamill and in Talk Partners. Our focus this week has been on vocabulary in order to prepare us for our assessments next week!