We are still working hard demonstrating our knowledge of our fractions unit, with a particular focus on improving our reasoning and problem solving skills.

We are still working hard demonstrating our knowledge of our fractions unit, with a particular focus on improving our reasoning and problem solving skills.
In Crew Mcloughlin, we have been exploring friction in order to help answer our guiding question. This lesson went with a splash as we experimented with water resistance! The children really did focus on ensuring a fair test and ensured we controlled our variables. We also learnt new words along the way such as hydrodynamic and buoyant.
This week we have been unpicking what it means to be kind and how we can apply this knowledge when exploring the purpose of anti- bullying week.
The theme of the week has been respect, we’ve watched different clips to showcase different examples of respect and then discussed the video as a crew, creating anchor charts to show what it means to us. We have thought a lot about respectful language and what disrespectful responses would sound like and what respectful responses would look like.
We have created anti-bullying posters to share with our families to show what we have been exploring this week in crew.
In our debrief of the week we thought about why it is important to respect each other, how respect helps us when making friends and solving problems. We concluded that when everyone treats each other with kindness and respect then we have a much more positive time with our peers. This has had an impact on our HoWLs this week and we have seen an improvement in our ‘Be Kind’ HoWL.
We ended the week with ‘pie’ing’ Mr T to raise money for Children In Need. Needless to say, the children had great fun! We’d like to thank all of our parents in school who have contributed to this great cause and we raised a whopping £121! Thank you to everyone for your continued support.
In XP outdoors today the children made their initials using twigs, string and wool. First they looked for twigs and then they got the string to tie all the pieces into place for their initial. After that they then got some wool and made it look pretty.
Thank you to all those who joined us this afternoon for family learning.
It was lovely to see all children engaged in their activity and we hoped you all enjoyed it too!
Today Mrs Ibbotson played some of the songs from our WW2 play on the piano. We loved singing to them in our music lesson!
Today we looked at a poem linking to WW2. We enjoyed exploring the text today, unpicking language and text marking. Before reading, we looked at the text, thinking about what we noticed. We thought about how the text was laid out, what the pictures were showing and what the text reminded us of. We had some great discussions before we even started reading! We then looked more into the structure and layout, we looked at the title and the stanzas used. We thought about whether all poems have rhyming words and found some examples ourselves. From here we explored each stanzas, unpicking vocabulary and unpicking what the words actually meant. This was a great reading session where everyone was really engaged in the text. Our exit ticket allowed us to share our thoughts on the poem, we thought about if we liked the poem and if it evoked any feelings. We related our thoughts back to our expeditionary learning discussing some of the lessons we have already completed.
Before starting our money unit in maths, we had the opportunity to play with the money so we’d feel more confident recognising the coins. While working with our partner, we gave them an amount of money and they had to count how much they had. This encouraged us to count in multiples of 1,2,5,10,20 and 50 supporting our understanding of place value.
Today, Crew Hamill began looking at mechanisms. We began our lesson by testing our sticky knowledge and recapping previous learning. Following this, Miss Hamill introduced us to some new vocabulary that we would need to understand in order to access our lesson. We then had to look at pictures of different objects and decide which mechanism was being used with each one (E.g. a pulley for a flag pole). We then watched some informative videos about pulleys, lever and gears, making notes on big pieces of chotting paper in mini crews as we did so. Once we’d gathered all of our information, we inputted this onto a Padlet to keep a record of what we had learned.
Before starting our next case study, we reflected on what we had learned during history. We used padlet to collate our facts and thoughts while working in pairs. We were given some headings where we could put our facts. We then put all of this on an anchor chart which we used to help us answer the guiding question.