Super mathematicians in Y1

Today we discovered if we work hard then it makes us feel so proud of ourselves. Today in maths I was so proud of our little crew 😊 We introduced addition and how we can use the part, whole, model to support this. obviously, working with smarties helped a lot 😋 The children blew me away with their language around addition, we’d remembered so much already after exploring this briefly last half term.

Multistep Maths

Oh the brains in Crew Shields were tested this morning. We have finished up our addition and subtraction unit with multistep problems. This is an area that children can find tricky as there is more to think about to ensure they arrive at the correct answer. It was great seeing them get stuck in and challenge themselves. Good job everyone!

A busy day in MI

We started our day with our caring curriculum in Crew. Here we thought about friendship and what makes a good friendship.

We also made a start on our non chronological reports in writing and started to think about our gravity sections. We thought about the subheading and built our sentences using our gold and green targets. Tomorrow we will finish our chunk 2 then edit and improve our work. We are also looking forward to building an interesting fact box which we hope will engage our reader further.

In maths we thought about mixed numbers and improper fractions and converted between both. We built an anchor chart together before applying to our books. We then looked at subtracting fractions!

Some great work in MI today! 🙂

Maths – 14/10/22

Crew Shields have really had to engage their brains this morning in Maths as we tackled some sums that required more than one exchange. This was made a little trickier especially when there was a zero in the number because we have to exchange from another column. Despite being tricky for a Friday morning, it didn’t faze them and they have given it 100% as always. Great effort everyone!

Comparing numbers in KS1

Crew Godley mathematicians have been busy comparing numbers and exploring the language ‘greater than, less than and equals too’. We’ve used our crocodile 🐊 hands to help us.

Magical Maths

KS1 have been working hard, to get smart in maths. We been exploring place value and how numbers in the number system get bigger and smaller.

A carousel of maths in MI

Today we took part in a maths quiz in order to consolidate the arithmetic learning we have been doing. We rotated round a carousel of activities looking at both long and short division, long multiplication and adding and subtracting decimals. We worked hard by ensuring we had a positive attitude throughout, we got smart by supporting others to succeed by working collaboratively and we showed kindness by communicating with respect. A great maths lesson today MI 🙂

What a great start to the week!

In Crew Mcloughlin we have been getting smart in arithmetic, learning the coin method to efficiently work out long division. We spoke about how we would leave dividing by 2 digit numbers till the end of tests as they do take time and stamina. Great mathematical work!

In our independent writing today, we have used our amazing planning we generated to write our first plot point. We even visited the quad to do this as the sun was shining 🌞 We used our critique norms to critique each others work. This was really helpful in order to improve our writing and ensure we had hit our targets we had set ourselves. We cannot wait till we are showcasing our final product and our writing is read to our audience – the Carcroft community.