It’s been a busy first week back but we’ve managed to have a lot of fun too. Watch our weekly roundup for just a snippet of the things that we’ve been doing!
Category : Maths
Welcome back Crew MI
We started the day in crew discussing our Christmas holidays and it was lovely to hear the children sharing their highlights. We then practised our SLC’s ready for next week.
In maths we converted fractions to decimals and worked well collaboratively to support each other. The lesson really challenged our thinking but we all did a great job 🙂
In our expeditionary learning we started to think about how we see and how light travels. We watched a variety of clips to understand the different parts of the eye and how these parts are similar to a camera. We then took part in a scientific investigation where we explored the question, How do we know that light travels in straight lines? We used given equipment to set up our investigation and worked well in mini crews, ensuring everyone had a role. After discussions and a debrief, we started to think about writing up our scientific reports and what we would need to include.
Magic maths in MI
Some great maths in our magic maths session today. We tried to beat the time when solving fraction arithmetic questions, then we looked at roman numerals. We did lots of chanting of the 8 times table before applying our knowledge on times table rockstars. Great work MI 🙂
Converting between fractions and decimals in MI
We had a great maths lesson today where we continued our work on decimals. We used the knowledge we had gained in our previous decimal lessons to convert between decimals and fractions 🙂 There was some great collaborative working in the main activity 🙂
Line graphs – 29/11/22
In Maths, we have been learning about statistics and in particular line graphs. Being able to draw an accurate line graph is quite a tricky skill to learn so we spent some time practicing how to draw line graphs. As part of this, we used varying number increments on the graph so children started to understand that they won’t always go up in 1s or 2s.
Terrific Tuesday
Today we made a start on section 3 of our SLCs (which stands for student led conferences). This is so we can practise for January so we know what to say and are confident to present.
Next, we engaged in some active magic maths; we went around the class to answer consolidation fraction arithmetic questions which were stuck around the room. Watch us here in action…
We also started our CS3 computing, we learnt about coding and some interesting facts about binary (this is the language of computer systems).
We also fitted in some rehearsal practise so we felt ready for our presentation of learning on Thursday and to ensure it would be out of this world! – Connor
Kahoot time in MI
Today we consolidated the learning we had just done around decimals by taking part in a kahoot quiz! Such engagement by all!
Another day in MI by Declan
KS1 getting smart in arithmetic!
Children in KS1 have been working and getting smart exploring place value in arithmetic this week. We’Ve counted forwards, backwards, ordered numbers, completed number lines, the list is endless! Our magical mathematicians have been working so hard 🧮
Arithmetic – decimals
In Maths, the children have been applying their addition and subtraction skills to decimal numbers. We discussed the importance of layout and how they need to remember the decimal point.
We then had another grouping with Mrs Rhodes who were looking at multiplying a decimal by 10, 100 and 1000.