Last week in Crew Welburn, we were exploring capacity! We used new vocabulary to describe how much water was in the containers and compared how much each container could hold. We had lots of fun!
Maths – Fractions
This morning in Maths we have had some time to really focus on equivalent fractions. We used Mymaths which allowed us to work at our own pace through the lesson before completing the online homework. This has helped children to really think about the process when finding equivalent fractions. Do we need to multiply or divide? Have we remembered to use the same operation on the denominator and the numerator?
MI in magic maths
A positive attitude by all in magic maths today! Some great collaborative working too 🙂 We are currently consolidating our work on fractions.
Using a scale factor in maths in MI
Today we continued our work on ratio by looking at how we use a scale factor to enlarge shapes. Great work today MI, such positive attitudes throughout. You also supported each other to achieve by working collaboratively. Fab Howls this morning 🙂
Ratio continues in MI
Today in maths we continued with our work on ratio but we also linked this to fractions. A great understanding by all 🙂 Great focus today everyone.
Worded problems for MI in maths
Our do now activity in maths today was exploring a variety of worded problems. This is something that came up in our recent maths assessments so we enjoyed working collaboratively to unpick each question, deciding on the correct operation and the steps needed to solve the problems. We are going to continue to explore these types of problems in our do now activities over the next couple of weeks.
Active Maths – counting coins
This week in maths we have been learning about money and the value of different coins. Today we worked in pairs to work out how much money was in different jars pinned around the room. I was very impressed with their knowledge and addition skills. I wonder if you could practice making different amounts of money at home?
Making patterns 🟧🟦🟧🟦
We’ve been looking at ABAB patterns in maths and we decided to use dinosaurs to make our own!
Magic Maths
In magic maths we have been recapping angles. This was a great opportunity for the children to get up and moving by showing acute, right angle and obtuse angles using their arms.
Maths Coaching
Well done to Georgie and Ava who tried their hand at some coaching during maths today. We all appreciated your support.