Today we worked together to build a jigsaw. We tried to use effective communication and teamwork in order to complete the challenge.

Today we worked together to build a jigsaw. We tried to use effective communication and teamwork in order to complete the challenge.
Today we visited one of our favourite areas of school… the library! 🥰 Very kindly, Harlow brought in one of her lovely books from home ‘Peppa goes to London’ and we decided to take that with us to read as we got comfy in the library.
Before we left, we chose a book from the basket to take back to the classroom to read during snack time later on this week.
During crew this morning, we talked about times we might have ‘big feelings’ and feel overwhelmed. We discussed why we might feel this way and how we could begin to regulate ourselves. We looked at butterfly hugs and how they can help us feel calm. We finished our session by saying positive affirmations to start our day on a high!
Pupils enjoyed their first day back in class today – lots of activities and learning tasks, including some super engagement in writing.
Today in our caring crew, we explored physical and mental health. We discussed what we can do to ensure we maintain good physical health but also why it is important to keep our minds healthy too. We had a go at some yoga this morning which really set up us for the day! We remained calm, creating a very peaceful environment.
As part of our expedition, we have been looking at Chinese New Year and the traditions associated with it. We looked at the tradition of giving red envelopes containing money to children to bring them good fortune, good luck and blessings. This tradition now extends to giving envelopes to extended family, friends and colleagues.
To spread good fortune, luck and blessings to our school community, we decided to fill red envelopes with chocolate coins to give to the adults in our school who help us and keep us safe. We worked together to fill them and then took them around school, wishing each crew a happy Chinese New Year.
In Fridays Crew we learnt about the celebration Chinese New Year, we watched a video and discussed the tradition. Chinese New Year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. Each year in the Chinese zodiac is associated with an animal sign, and the Dragon is considered a symbol of strength, courage, and good fortune. It is a time to embrace Chinese traditions, enjoy delicious food, and wish for prosperity and happiness in the year ahead. It was lovely to hear that one of our crew members will be celebrating with their family. As our crew activity we had to find the stolen dragons head costume; solving lots of maths problems along the way.
This week, we looked at ways in which we can get along with others. We discussed that sometimes people may feel sad or angry but that there are ways in which we can help those people, or ourselves, to regulate. We spent some time getting mindful, taking deep breaths to focus ourselves, as well as repeating positive affirmations.
As part of our RSE curriculum this week, we were discussing the ways we can manage our emotions if we become dysregulated. We practiced some breathing exercises as well as a short yoga video aimed at helping us relax and relieve anxiety.
Today we discussed that tomorrow is safer internet day so we spent our crew session today thinking about safety in school, the playground and then in the community. We discussed our ideas in mini crews and then as a whole crew. We added some of our ideas to an anchor chart that we have displayed in our classroom.