Polar Express

Yesterday, we started to look at our next writing unit. We thought it only fitting to do some Christmas writing as that will be a lovely way to end the term off.

We are using a short scene from The Polar Express and writing a narrative. We started by sequencing the events in the video and generating some vocabulary that could help us.

Music – Crew Hamill, Crew Shields and Crew Thompson 🎶 ✨ 🎄 🎅🏼

This morning we have been perfecting our Christmas performance songs. We have been looking at making sure we are singing in time to the beat, adding in body percussion where needed, and getting the lyrics absolutely spot on! It is sounding really beautiful – we just need to keep practising our lines at home so that the whole performance really comes together ready for next week!

We finished off by continuing to learn how to play the recorder. We applied our knowledge of the notes B and A and put them into a short piece of music. We clapped out the rhythm before adding the instruments. Great work! 🎵

LKS2 Celebration of Learning

This afternoon, the children had the opportunity to share their expedition journey with their parents. They did an absolutely amazing job of speaking in front of an audience and proudly showed off the learning they have been doing. They should be beyond proud of themselves for the product they’ve produced.

We have a limited number of newspapers available for a donation if you would like a copy.

Thank you so much to all the grown ups that joined us for our Celebration of learning this afternoon. We really appreciate the support you’ve shown today.

How do we see?

During this case study, we have been learning about light and how the eye works. We were super excited this afternoon when we had the opportunity to see how the pupil works. We couldn’t believe that our eye does this without us even knowing.


Yesterday, we spent some time trying to do some redrafting with our independent write. This is a skill we find quite tricky but we showed more perseverance then we have done previously. This is a skill we will continue to develop as we move through year 4 so we are ready for year 5.