Arithmetic today consisted of revisiting multiplying by 10 as this is something we’ve picked up in the arithmetic test as needing bit more practice. It was great seeing some children using the place value grid to support them.

Arithmetic today consisted of revisiting multiplying by 10 as this is something we’ve picked up in the arithmetic test as needing bit more practice. It was great seeing some children using the place value grid to support them.
During our expedition lesson, we had to piece together an image which was the map of the world. However, this map had new information that we hadn’t seen before. We learned that the Earth is divided into 7 divisions which are:
North Pole (Arctic Circle)
Northern Hemisphere
Tropic of Cancer
Tropics of Capricorn
Southern Hemisphere
South Pole (Antarctic Circle)
We then split into groups to do some research on one of the divisions before feeding back to the rest of the crew.
In maths, we have been learning about related multiplication and division facts. If we know 1 set of information then we can work out others such as 4×5=20, 4×50=200, 4×500=2000
We had lots of fun trying out the new skipping rope Miss Marsh ordered for us. Lots of children queued up to have a go and show off their skipping skills. We can’t wait to get it back out tomorrow! Thank you Miss Marsh!😃💕
We continued with our expedition where we looked at a topography maps and what they can show. We learned that Doncaster is between approximately 8-24m above sea level whereas the Peak district is around 400m above sea level.
We estimated the population of the world. Most of us estimated around 7-8 billion.
Next we considered the estimation of London based on the size and population of the other capital cities but unfortunately we were nowhere near for this one. We could imagine there were over 7million people in London.
We looked at different areas around the UK and the population of these areas. To help with our estimation for Doncaster we looked at areas similar in size to this area so we could make realistic estimations. Some great estimations.
Finally, we looked at a range of photos from the past and present of Doncaster. It was interesting to see how much Doncaster has changed over time. There has certainly been an increase in the amount of human features in our local area over the years.
Last week, we got our focus solely on our timetables and ensure we are secure with all of them. This year we’ll have the MTC so it’s important that we’re ready for it.
The children volunteered to lead chanting the timetables. We talked about the importance of saying the full number sentence rather than just the answers.
Our crew Challenge was to use a range of gestures to help people decide which card they had. Each person was given a card and you had to treat people based on the value of their card. After having time to greet each other, they then had to decide if they had a low, middle or high value card. Once they’d decided they could finally look at their card. Most children were able to guess the value of their card as some children bowed to them, waved or give them a thumbs up/down.
We discussed how there will be occasions when we don’t have to say anything because our body language will do all the talking.
Yet another fabulous year performing at Sheffield Arena as part of Young Voices 2024!
Today children were sent home with a slip explaining that they’ll be visiting the recycling centre on 31st January. All details are within the slip but if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thank you.
Today we had our demo comprehension lesson. We discussed how important it is to skim and scan for key words when answering comprehension questions. It was lovely seeing the children using these skills.