We continued our grammar lessons by identifying where we would place a full stop and capital letter. This was modelled on the board and then we watched a video. It was lovely to hear the children talking along with the video.
Category : Crew Shields 24/25
Building single clause sentences
In grammar, we started to build single clause sentences with the understanding that a single clause sentence has a subject and a verb. In addition to this, we also had some pronouns which replaced the noun. This avoids repetition. We were encouraged to use the script, what’s the first verb? Who or what is doing? This gives us focus when we are completing the activities.
Find a friend who…
On our return from half term, our first crew session was to use the time to get to know others. We had to find someone in our crew who liked swimming or who liked pizza for example. This allowed us to use our speaking and listening skills as we had to ask questions and listen to their responses. We then did a quick hands up at the end to see who else liked a particular thing.
Sliding into half term
What a great way to end the half term by having some time on the bouncy castle. Lots of bouncing, sliding and flipping. Some children even learned how to do a flip with the help of their peers.
My maths – consolidation
During the last week, children had the opportunity to consolidate some of their learning using Mymaths. This allowed staff to do some 1:1 time to purple pen in maths books.
Subject and verb
As our do now, we consolidated our learning about regular and irregular verbs as this was an area from out touchdown on verbs that we need to continue drip feeding into our learning.
We have now moved on to new learning in grammar where we need to understand the subject and verb within a sentence. We used a script to help us identify the verb and then who or what was doing the action.
For example: The skull protects the brain.
What is the first verb?
What protects? Who protects?
The skull
Therefore the skull is the subject of the sentence.
This script helped us focus and find the subject.
When we moved on to the subject as a pronoun, we struggled with this so we had a practical lesson where we could form a sentence that made sense then identify the verb and who or what did that action. This helped us understand more and this was evident when children went back to purple pen their exit ticket from the previous lesson and got it correct.
Roles of men and women during Wartimes
In history, we explored the roles of men and women during wartimes. Children learned that everyone played a vital role towards the war effort whether that was on the frontline or on the home front. Children then completed an exit ticket to explain the job they would want and explain why. Teddy gave a great explanation for why he’d want to be making bombs.
Irregular Verbs
In grammar, we continued to explore irregular verbs and how these change in the past tense. These are words that children will need to learn so we verbally practiced using my turn your turn.
Testimony of Evacuees
In our history lesson, we explored further the experiences of children during wartimes and what life was like as an evacuee. This required us to use our reading skills so we could skim and scan the text before making inferences. Once we had read and understood the text we completed some details about each person. We discovered that some children had positive experiences during wartimes but unfortunately there were children who had quite negative experiences as an evacuee.
Crew Challenge
During Crew challenge, children were tasked with making the longest paper chain in 3 minutes. Children were split into small groups to complete the challenge. Some groups broke off into pairs and started building a chain which they joined together before the time ran out. Other groups delegated roles to each other. By delegating jobs or splitting off into smaller groups it allowed them to be successful.