Crew Godley and Crew Robson – Music 🎶 ✨

During this lesson, we warmed up by recapping walk (crotchet) and ‘jog’ (quaver) durations before looking at 4-beat rhythms. We discussed rhythm grids and looked at the symbol for ‘rest’.

Once we had practised reading the rhythm grids, we then created our own 4-beat rhythms. We practised the rhythms we created with our partner using untuned percussion instruments before then swapping grids with another pair and having a go at playing their rhythm too.

Exploring Algorithms

Today is our computing lesson we explored what an algorithm is. We learnt that they are a set of instructions to help carry out a task.

We started by exploring getting dressed and how sometimes it matters which order we get dressed in for example tie and shirt and other times it doesn’t matter. We used paper dolls to practice writing and following our own algorithms to dress the doll.

Finally we ordered instructions for crossing the road and we decided we must do this in the correct order to stay safe.

Handa’s Bananas 🍌

Our experience lesson today was totally bananas!
We are exploring the book Handa’s Surprise and in the story fruit is taken out of her basket as she walks to her friends house. A cheeky monkey swings down from a tree and steals a yellow banana without Handa knowing. Once we had made out bananas we walked around school balancing them on our heads. We were on the lookout for monkeys but luckily we didn’t spot any this time!

Beautiful Writing ✍️

Today some children in Crew Robson worked really hard to produce beautiful work that they were proud of. A huge shoutout to Porsha and Charlotte who spoke to Mr Sprakes from XP about their work. He was absolutely blown away be the presentation in their writing books. Great job girls!

Comparing Africa and the UK

In today’s geography lesson we compared different places in the UK with places in Africa. We looked at Zanzibar, Madagascar and Johannesburg and thought about the similarities and differences with Beeley, London and Skegness.  We then used what we had learnt to work in mini crews to create a script which we then recorded to make a video. We hope you enjoy it!