Crew MW took our weekly trip to the library today. We enjoyed the story ‘Banana!’ in the library and then we voted for a story to take back to our classroom to read tomorrow.

Crew MW took our weekly trip to the library today. We enjoyed the story ‘Banana!’ in the library and then we voted for a story to take back to our classroom to read tomorrow.
Crew MW have been working extra hard during their choosing time this week! We’re using the RWI videos to get in a little bit of extra practice during our choosing time and we are really showing how smart we are getting! Keep up the great work Crew MW!
We really enjoy exploring our continuous provision in Crew MW. Here are some of the exciting things we have been up to and some of the creations members of our crew have produced! We always show such wonderful Be Kind HOWLs when working in provision – sharing with other members of the crew, speaking nicely to one another, helping other people, and using our manners. We have also been trying super hard to think about our Work Hard HOWLs too whilst in provision – just on Monday alone there were many examples of trying even when challenged, active participation, and lots of positive attitudes!
Even though we really enjoy our indoor provision, our favourite moment of Monday was going outside in our wellies and splashing about in all the puddles, riding through them on our bikes and scooters, and swinging from the climbing frame!
We have been working extremely hard on our phonics since the start of the year, and so that we are practising as much as we can, we have been using the iPads as additional tuition during our provision time. We have really enjoyed learning with Fred and letting him hear how good we are getting at recognising sounds and getting speedier. Some of us even used the whiteboards on the table to practise our letter formation! We know that the more we practise, the better we will become!
During crew on Monday, we talked about different ‘sad’ feelings. We discussed that not only can people feel sad, they can feel anxious, worried, frightened, upset, afraid and scared at times too. There are lots of different reasons why people might be feeling like this and we decided that we would like to think about how to make people happy and calm again and get them into the green zone. One way that could help someone feel positive again is by doing mindful yoga. We decided to give it a try ourselves and it certainly made us feel happy – look at those super smiley faces!
We loved having grown ups in yesterday for our story time session! We had lots of fun sharing stories with you
We’ve been working really hard on our learning to blend steps in phonics this week. We’ve been listening to Fred’s Fred talk, blending the sounds into words and then using our magnetic letters to make the words. Once we’ve made them, we’ve used our ‘Fred talk, read the word’ to sound out and read the words back! We’re all going to be super blenders in no time!
Well done to all of our children who were celebrated in todays community meeting. We celebrated children who had worked hard, to get smart across the curriculum, from children who were applying their maths skills in independently to those who were able to perfect their fundamental skills in PE.
As part of our final product artwork, we have each created an image of a tree. Between us we have added leaves and colour to our trees to represent the four seasons of the year; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. We can’t wait to see what will happen next to our pictures – how will they come together to make our final product?! Watch this space!
Thank you to all of the lovely grown ups who came to Crew MW’s stay and engage this morning! We had such a lovely time outside in the forest are making our sun catchers with you