Trip to Langsett Reservoir

Year 5 and 6 had a great trip to Langsett Reservoir to begin to establish a strong crew where the children can be themselves and develop their teamwork skills in a caring and safe environment. We worked together to answer our crew guiding question was ‘How can we get everyone to the top of the mountain?‘ The answer was simple… work together, support one another, enjoy exploring, share the load and plenty of chocolate biscuits. We had a fantastic day (even the sun came out) and it was a pleasure to see the children enjoying themselves and truly becoming a crew that we know that will go from strength to strength as the year progresses… watch this space. Well done everyone!

Welcome back to the new MI

We have all been busy today developing our new crew. We have taken part in lots of team building and communication activities which have allowed us to work together effectively. We really enjoyed building a marshmallow tower, seeing who could construct the tallest tower. We also played railroad tracks where Mrs McClare called out different opposites and we had to decide which we preferred! We also used balloons and slips of paper to get to know each other a little better. We all wrote a question on our slip of paper then placed it inside our balloon before blowing it up. We then circled up, taking it in turns to pop our balloons and read out the question inside. We all shared our answers.

We also started our art work on printing. We discussed lots of things about ourselves then used this in our art work to create a picture that represents us. We created a key where different shapes represented different things about ourselves. We then printed our shapes using different colours and we also tried to layer our shapes in different ways.