Some very proud children in MI today 🙂

Some very proud children in MI today 🙂
Today children completed a piece of independent writing. They all wrote a character description on Audrey, one of the characters from The Lorax. They thought about Audrey’s appearance and personality. Children used their chotting sheets well to support them along with their target grids. Well done MI 🙂
Today we started to think about the art work that will be part of our photo frames for our final product. We looked at and discussed a picture that we will be using as a stimulus then we gave some critique to Mrs McClare based on her model. We had a go at drawing the outline on our picture before using oil pastels to create our patterns. We really enjoyed starting this piece of work and everyone is eager to do more!
Today we started to unpick our arithmetic test from last week, working on some of the questions we answered incorrectly.
Today in crew we started to think about world kindness day. We worked in mini crews to think about what extra little things we could do throughout the day. We also kick started anti bullying week where we showed the rest of the crew our odd socks.
A great day at DRAX exploring the power station! Tomorrow we will reflect on the trip, thinking about what we observed and discussed and how it links back to our guiding question. We hope todays visit will also help us to answer our guiding question 🙂
We were all excited to get stuck into case study 3, our design and technology case study!
Today we used our chotting on the Lorax to take part in a shared write. We then wrote our own character description on the Lorax thinking about appearance and personality.
Today we started to think about Remembrance Day and what this is. We watched a video clip to help generate our discussions then started to make our Remembrance Day wreath. We look forward to learning more about Remembrance Day in our crew sessions this week and finishing our wreath for our assembly on Friday.