Today we looked at tenths in our maths lesson. We had such a positive attitude throughout the entire lesson which allowed us to move onto some problem solving questions at the end of the lesson. Keep this up MI 🙂

Today we looked at tenths in our maths lesson. We had such a positive attitude throughout the entire lesson which allowed us to move onto some problem solving questions at the end of the lesson. Keep this up MI 🙂
Reflecting on our last expedition whilst we prepare for our SLC’s next week 🙂
Today in reading we continued to explore our new text! We enjoyed reading out loud with our partners today, recapping the new vocabulary that we learnt yesterday. We text marked this new vocabulary and thought again about word class. We then moved onto to look at some fact and retrieval questions doing some demonstration comprehension with Mrs McClare. We really thought about how we go about answering questions and what we need to look for in the questions. Once we had done some together, we then worked independently or with partner support to answer our own questions. We really enjoyed our lesson and proved we could use the text to find answers.
Today we explored some of the sculptures Yinka our artist had created. We thought about what we could see and what we thought the art was showing and representing. We offered our own critique giving praises, notices and wonders for each piece of art. We learnt that Yinka created the art in response to migration and the structures mimic the sails of the ships as they migrate across the sea. We then looked at a model that our teachers had created! We enjoyed giving praises, notices and wonders for this! We then got busy on our own sculptures!
Here are our finished book covers which will be part of our cultural diversity display in our library. We enjoyed using African patterns on our art work as well as thinking about the significant people in our lives who will be on the spine of our books.
Today we started to think about what a historian is and what history is. We explored the terms chronological order, reference point and timeline. We thought about the historical events we already knew and tried to think of their place in history. We looked at and explored a world history timeline, placing the events we had voiced in the correct place. We thought about BC and AD and what these mean. We then worked in mini crews to order events in chronological order. We then looked more at where the 19th century is on our timeline and which events in history are around this time.
Today we discussed and explored mental and physical health. We thought about our favourite sports and activities then looked at our heart rate and what happens when we start exercising! We enjoyed playing sporting charades!
Today we started our first hooked on books reading lesson where we started to explore our new text, ‘African Tales’ We explored the front cover and blurb thinking about what we noticed and we tried to make connections between other texts we had read. We explored and read the text in detail which really engaged us! We all wanted to start reading the book! We then looked at some vocabulary that would appear in the text when we started to read. We thought about definitions of each word and which word class the words belonged to. We then read part of the text using a chorus read, read around the robin as well as reading with our partner. We even started some text marking 🙂
Today we started to explore a new artist- Yinka Shonibare. Yinka explores cultural identity and globalisation. We watched a clip to further our knowledge then worked together to produce an anchor chart. We looked at some of Yinka’s work and offered our own critique based on what we thought the art represented. We then explored African patterns thinking about what we could see, the colours used and what the patterns were like. Our mission was to create our own patterns that will be the book cover of some books in our library. Once we got creative, we ensured we kept stopping, offering critique to each other that would help us improve our work.
We then thought about what the word significant means and significant people from the past and in the world. We thought about people in our own lives that have made a significant contribution to us. These people will be placed on the spine of our books.
We all really enjoyed our morning and are excited to keep working through our art case study.
We are determined in MI to ensure we can tie our shoe laces so we have been busy practising this morning! 🙂