Reading in MI

Our activate today really worked on our fluency and words per minute, something we are really working on this term.

The next part of our activate allowed us to explore a picture, we thought about what the character was doing, who she was, why she was doing what she was doing, what was happening and how she could be feeling! We were then introduced to the title of the story! We took part in a silent conversation using the lenses to answer questions. From here we explored the blurb which we all found very funny!! Again we worked on our fluency skills, taking part in both independent and partner reads. We then explored some of the language in the text and played four corners to assess our understanding. We can’t wait to start reading the story tomorrow 🙂

Hook week begins in MI

It has been wonderful to have Crew MI back in the classroom today and what a great start we have had! We have loved getting started with our hook week learning.

We started our learning by looking at the different types of teeth we have!We explored why we have teeth with lots of reading opportunities and lots of focus on our fluency and words per minute. We explored our mouths with a mirror where we looked at the different teeth we have. We labelled a diagram of the teeth then created some writing on the functions of the teeth.

We then moved onto setting up our teeth investigation where we will explore the impact different liquids have on our teeth.

We created our own question and hypothesis then thought about our variables. We listed all the equipment we would use then created our method.

We then explored the best ways to look after our teeth. We watched a video clip all about healthy teeth and visiting the dentist. We looked at how we should be brushing our teeth and even had a go at this! Finally we thought about all the foods and drinks for healthy teeth.

Art slice in MI

We have enjoyed learning about the artist Picasso. We have recreated a snowman in the style of Picasso. We created multiple drafts before our final attempt which we we are all super proud of 🙂

Writing in MI

Today we continued to edit and redraft our previous plot point, modifying our nouns. We highlighted the nouns we had used in our own writing then modified each one as we redrafted the plot point. We all tried really hard to do this 🙂

Christmas reading in MI

In reading we have started our Christmas reading lessons. All our do now activities involve a quick read which are Christmas related. We are working on our words per minute before answering questions relating to the text. The main part of our reading lesson links to a Christmas advert 🙂 We loved watching the first one today. We then looked at a series of questions together which we unpicked in mini crews and then as a whole crew.

Reading in MI

This week we have used a video clip for our reading lessons which has allowed us to develop our inference skills! We have LOVED the clip and have been excited every day to watch the next part. On Wednesday we ordered pictures from the parts of the clip we had read so far and explained each part to our partner and in small mini crews. We then watched small parts of the clip and carried out our reasons to read. There were so many different discussions and ideas on each part of the clip. Children’s ideas were just amazing 🙂

Wow! What a performance!

It was pleasure to be able to watch the Cheerleading and Acro performance on Thursday afternoon. The children from KS1 and KS2 performed the dances they have been learning during this term in lunchtime clubs.

The performance oozed confidence and the high quality learning that has taken place during these clubs. It was great to see children from previous years perform but also lots of new faces. A massive well done to all involved. They should be very proud of themselves.