Citizenship crew in MI

Today we started to think about changes and how they make us feel. We thought how it felt starting a new class, what we are looking forward to and the things we will miss from the last academic year. We talked about the changes we have experienced since we started our school journey in FS2. We talked about the effects of change and the importance of a positive mindset. We then thought about the word resilience, what this is and how we can show we are resilient in everything we do. We then worked in mini crews to share the ways in which we can show we are resilient.

Book talk continues in MI

Today we recapped the story so far by thinking about what the characters may be saying to each other and their thoughts. We worked in mini crews to think of our own ideas then shared these with the whole crew.

From here we unpicked the vocabulary that would appear in the text before text marking it when reading. We used an echo read, partner read then an independent read. We tried to think about the fluency of our reading today. Our reasons to read allowed us to show our understanding of the text which we all did really well. Our exit ticket allowed to order the events in the story. A great reading lesson in MI 🙂

Caring crew in MI

Today we thought about what makes our crew special. We thought about our crew norms and the non-negotiables we expect to see every day. We then moved onto creating a collage of all our crew members, we drew our selves then added 3 things we like. This is now displayed in our classroom for all to see. Our debrief allowed us to reflect on why our crew is special and the things we need to do together to make our crew the best it can be. Well done Crew MI 🙂

Escape the box in MI!

We have loved our crew activity this morning where we took part in an escape room challenge! This involved tackling a series of clues to unlock a range of different locks! We absolutely loved it! This has really helped us to build our communication skills and lots of team work was needed! We all really showed our best selves this morning and we are all proud of everyone 🙂