There was some great problem solving today where we found missing sides on a variety of rectilinear shapes then calculated the perimeter.
Reading in MI
Today we used the text well to find answers in our reading lesson. We used our skimming and scanning skills along with APE to answer questions in our reasons to read. We worked well with our partner searching for clues and backing up our answers with evidence from the text. Our exit ticket allowed us to order events from the story.
Handwriting practice in MI
We are working hard on our joins 🙂
Times table fun in MI
We are loving our times table stick!
Arithmetic in MI
A fab arithmetic lesson today 🙂 We worked on our timestables, consolidated different question types then worked on our written methods. Our extension allowed us to practice dividing by 10 and 100. A great lesson by all!
Expeditionary learning continues in MI…
Our expedition lesson today continued to look at grouping living things. First, we recapped our previous learning on vertebrates and invertebrates, working with our partner to sort a variety of animals.
From here we started to classify vertebrates into 5 groups and watched a video clip to help us build background knowledge. We noted down facts and then shared these with the whole crew. We then explored a variety of texts, building further information on mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. We played fastest finger to further assess our understanding. There were lots of reading opportunities again today, reading with a partner and echo read to name a few.
From here we worked in mini crews to demonstrate our understanding. We read a variety of facts and put these facts in the correct group.
We then took part in a quiz to test our understanding further! We are really enjoying our expeditionary lessons 🙂
Writing in MI
Today we had a try at making our first plot point better. We reflected on what the learning was for the lesson and if we had been successful in achieving it. We read our own work and a partners work and we gave some critique. We then looked at a crew members work together and tried to make this better using the features on our target grids. We then had a go at improving our own work.
Exploring vocabulary in reading
Today we really focussed on some of the vocabulary in our text. We looked at synonyms, finding and copying a word that means the same. We have become much more confident with this skill. Again we used a range of strategies to read the text, some of these being echo read, partner reading and independent reading. When reading with our partner, we focussed again on fluency and expression, giving a praise and wonder after our partner had read. We also tried to use the punctuation a little better when reading. Our reasons to read focussed more on our inference skills and we used APE to support our thoughts and answers.
Becoming the teacher in MI…
A fantastic timestables session today that allowed some of us to become the teacher! The teacher questioned the other children on landmarks and asked each member to explain their reasons for each choice given! I was blown away by how well the children did this! Everybody is keen to have a go at becoming the teacher!
Text marking in MI
When reading our text today, we had 3 things to focus on when text marking. We used and recorded the symbols well then shared our thoughts and ideas in mini crews and with the whole crew. We are getting much more confident with text marking 🙂