A great turn out today for beautiful work! Fantastic work everyone! It was so lovely sharing your work with you all 🙂
Reading cafe 📖🤓
We loved having everyone back for reading cafe this week!
Crew challenge in Crew Marsh 🎈
In crew Marsh this morning we were challenged to play keep it up, in our smaller crews we had to keep the balloon in the air and make sure it did not touch the floor. We were super up this!
Underarm throw and over arm ❤️🎾
In PE today, we have perfected our technique when throwing under arm and over arm. Miss Marsh set us a challenge to see if we could throw our bean bag at the target with different obstacles in the way – this meant we had to pick which throw would be more suitable.
Lost and Found 🐧👦experience lesson
Polar Bear Experience at YWP 🐻❄️
Today we were very lucky to be able to have a video call live for the Project Polar at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We were able to ask lots of questions and found out lots of information about the polar bears who live in Doncaster. We found out their skin is black and their fur is see through, they like to eat lots and meat and they enjoy playing with lots of different toys. A huge thank you to Alex who made sure we saw the polar bears swimming, walking and snoozing!
Budding Georges Seurat artists!
We have learnt about Georges Seurat this week and how he painted his artwork using pointillism. We then practised this on our own lizard.
Handa finally made to Akeyo
In our experience lesson, we read the last part of Handa’s surprise where she finally made it to the village Akeyo lived in. She was so happy to see Akeyo but shocked that her basket was no longer filled with the fruit she had put in it but full of tangerines.
Pinching an orange from Handa 🍊
In our experience lesson we created an orange each and then played a game to try and pinch the orange without Handa knowing. We were really good at it!!
Classifying animals 🐟🐸🐍🐄🐧
Today in our science lesson we learnt the different classifications for animals, they are:
Birds 🐧
Amphibians 🐸
Reptiles 🐍
Mammals 🐄
Fish 🐟
We learnt that each of the different classes had warm or cold blood, webbed feet, could breathe under water, had fur or hair, dry skin and wings. This is how we were able to classify them into groups.