Today we built shelters after running from the fire in London.
KS1 were very lucky to be visited by three local firefighters today. They showed us all of their equipment and answered lots of questions about their job and how they help people in the community. I wonder if any other heroes will visit us in the future?
Well done to all of our children who were celebrated in todays community meeting. We celebrated children who had worked hard, to get smart across the curriculum, from children who were applying their maths skills in independently to those who were able to perfect their fundamental skills in PE.
We have done some great maths this morning in Crew Marsh.
In our experience lesson this morning we experienced how Vlad felt running through fire. We came up with some amazing sentence.
This morning we drew or wrote something that makes us feel happy and put it into our happiness jar.
In Year 1 this week, we began our musical journey by looking at our first unit of work – The Menu Song. We warmed our bodies up by using big gestures and actions to act out baking a cake! We then listened to the song we are going to be learning during this unit. It is a cumulative song which refers back to past lines throughout resulting in verses that get longer each time. This particular song also helps us to remember the days of the week, as well as practise our sequencing skills. We began to learn the lyrics and we will continue to build up our confidence as the weeks go on.
In Year 2, we started work on our first unit – Tony Chestnut. We began by using call-and-response style 4-beat action games. This really got us thinking and we had to concentrate to make sure we were listening to and then repeating back the correct pattern. Tony Chestnut is an action song and we looked at the words to add actions to. We practised the actions in the correct order whilst trying to keep in time to the beat. We then challenged ourselves by trying to add the vocals in whilst doing the actions! It was a little tricky but with further practise over the coming weeks we will soon be ready to showcase what we have achieved!
We have loved basketball club today!
This term we have been exploring Christianity in RE. Our first job was to answer ‘Who is a Christian and what do they believe?’.
We used pictures to notice what Christian’s might believe in. Oliver said, ‘some people believe God made the world’. Leyland said, ‘Christian’s believe in angels’s, people believe they carried God the heaven. When people die they become angels’. Charlie-Jade suggested that Christian’s believe in God. We looked carefully at the pictures and unpicked why each one was important to a Christian.