Today in PE we learnt a combination of jumps and did this to French skipping. It was a new skill and we did such a great job of it. Watch our videos!

Today in PE we learnt a combination of jumps and did this to French skipping. It was a new skill and we did such a great job of it. Watch our videos!
In today’s experience lesson we visited a hospital – it was really dirty with blood, sick and dirt. It wasn’t very nice or friendly. We decided we would not want to be looked after there.
As part of multicultural week we made our very own German biscuits – they were yummy! We had to follow a recipe carefully.
Today we explored who Jesus was and why he is a significant person in the Christian faith.
We discovered that Jesus taught Christains that we should show kindness and love to all people, just like our ‘Be Kind’ HoWL, regardless of where they come from or the situation in which they might find themselves. We thought about how we can show kindness and used our conversation protocols to have some lovely discussions on how we should treat our friends and neighbours.
Oliver said ‘It does not matter what we look like, we are all the same.’ Koa explained that he helps his neighbour by looking after pets when they are not home. Leyland also said that he shows kindness by helping his neighbours by getting shopping for them when they are too poorly to go out.
In case study 2, we are now starting to look at an another hero A NURSE!
Yesterday, we got to meet Nurse Welburn, we learnt all about where nurses work and what jobs they do when they are there. We even got to dress up as a nurse!
In crew sessions we have been learning about Germany, we have learnt how to say hello in German and created a german and hat and flag. We are loving finding out about a different country!
Today we have snuck to Grandma’s house as the wolf and got in her bed!!
Thank you to all of our parents who came and engaged in our Read, Write, Inc. workshops today and last week. We loved having you in to talk through how we are teaching your children to read and how you can help them at home! We’re looking forward to having you in to see some phonics in action this year!
Today in KS1, we explored the bible and why it is important to God. We began by playing ‘spot the bible’. We wondered and noticed which bibles were the same and different and the reasons why this could be.
We then read one of the stories from the bible, ‘Jonah and the Whale’. We worked together to retell the story in mini crews.