This morning in crew we have looked at what is kind and not kind regarding our hands. We did a fab job of organising them into groups.

This morning in crew we have looked at what is kind and not kind regarding our hands. We did a fab job of organising them into groups.
Today we consolidated our unit on the Christian faith. We loved the Kahoot quiz and we were top of the class with everything we had remembered! We can wait to see which religion we will study next!
In today’s experience lesson we read about how Florence Nightingale looked after the poorly soldiers when it got dark. We learnt she was also called the lady of the lamp as she carried a lamp around with her in the evening. In our experience lesson we all created our own lamp to be able to be just like Florence. It was a tricky cutting and sticking task but we all followed the instructions.
The children played a game of hide and seek, whereby the children pretended to be Vlad the flea and hid in the hospital to make sure the adults (Florence Nightingale and the nurses) could not find them and kick them out of the new nice clean hospital. We then acted out looking after the poorly soldiers and gave them the medical care that they needed.
Well Crew Marsh and Crew Haddock had a love treat to the end of our first half term. We had smores and popcorn in the rain.
KS1 have worked so hard on their Harvest Festival, sharing their learning with whole school! This was such a brave thing to do, so early on in the academic year, we were very proud of the children. Their confidence shone through. A big thank you to Miss McGlone to helping us with our music skills, we were excited to showcase these on the day.
Magic vs Miracles
We began our lesson today by making objects disappear, it was very exciting! this led us perfectly into our next guiding question exploring the miracles Jesus performed. We discovered that a miracle is an event that goes against nature, cannot be explained and Christians believe they are caused by God. to help us understand this we listened to a story in the Bible, Jesus feeding 5000 people with five loaves and two fish.
We then created our own fish and imagined trying to feed 5000 people with it. It seemed impossible!
We massively appreciate the support with reading cafe again!
Today we have cleaned our dirty hospital, so the soldiers can get better. Florence Nightingale bossed all of us about in order to make sure everywhere was clean: we swept the floor, mopped the floor, scrubbed the tables, scrubbed the floor and tidied up all of the dirt. We did such a good job it was sparkling clean!