Posting to the gingerbread man 💌

In today’s writing lesson we read where the postman delivered his christmas mail to next, it was to a red tin house that was tiny. It belonged to a gingerbread man. We created our own gingerbread men and then looked at the book that the postman delivered him. We loved reading the story that the postman had posted and then enjoyed a cup of tea and mini mince pie.

Another busy day as postman in Crew Marsh and luckily it was our last.

The jollypostman posting to baby bear

Today in Y1 we started our christmas writing by reading the christmas jollypostman. He firstly delivered a christmas card to baby bear at the three bears house, we therefore decorated our own card for baby bear and then delivered it to their house. We noticed Mummy bear decorating a christmas tree and enjoyed some warm, delicious porridge.

Budding Picasso’s in Y1🧑🏼‍🎨

In Y1 we have started our art slice and started looking at Picasso who is a famous artist who founded cubism. We loved looking at his art work and thinking about what we liked and disliked. Today we have started to apply some of Picasso’s techniques by capturing our own ideas on a worksheet – we have drawn different shapes for the different parts of a snow mans body.

We then drafted 2 designs to choose from before completing our final design tomorrow and next week. We then voted for the artwork we preferred from design 1 and design 2.

Beautiful work over the last 2 weeks!

It has been lovely finding out what children have been working on across school. Well done to all the children who have shared their beautiful work with me over the last 2 weeks. Some fantastic work 🙂

KS1 Celebration of Learning

KS1 performed beautifully to their grown ups this afternoon, celebrating their expedition and explaining how we were heroes in our own community. The children articulated their learning journey with such confidence and pride. To bring our expedition to a close we shared with our grown ups that we raised an incredible £306 to purchase gifts to share with Hallam FM Christmas Mission, these have been wrapped by the children and will be delivered over the coming weeks. We are so proud of our children and would like to thank all of our parents for their support this term.