Crew Marsh – Music 🎶

We have been looking at a chant called ‘Football’ in our music lessons. We started by looking at the rhythm of the chant, practising clapping to the beat together and staying in time. We then looked at the lyrics, thinking about how we could perform them rhythmically and with clear diction.

In our next lesson, we then applied clapping to the beat whilst performing. It helped us to think about keeping in time with one another as this piece does not have a backing track. Once we had mastered this, we then added our own percussion accompaniment to keep the beat.

As a snapshot, to showcase our skills, we practised a song called ‘Rain is falling down’. It teaches us all about how our voices move up and down. We added some actions to match the pitch of our voice and even split into two groups to create a call-and-response version of the song!

Trying to fly…

After everything that the hedgehog has done for Carla, his one dream was being able to fly. We firstly had to use Percy the Park Keepers help to unwrap Carla from her washing line and then we watched her with the other animals (fox, badger, the two mice) flap her wings to fly.

We were so lucky that we got to fly with Carla and she helped us out after all we had done for her.

Getting a plaster to help are friend 🩹

In our experience lesson today we had to quickly run around the assault course around the playground and get a plaster out of the bag for our new friend Carla, who head a big red bump on her head.

We were fab at getting the plaster fast to help our friend! We also produced some lovely writing in our books.

We are Scientists..🥼

Today we have had a look at what humans and animals need to survive.

We learnt that humans need – air, food, water, shelter, space and sleep.

We learnt that animals need – air, food, water and shelter.

We then organised wants and needs and learnt that we want things like game consoles, phones and toys but we need water and food.