In Crew Haddock the children enjoyed making their roman road using different kinds of food and of course the best bit was eating it at the end 😁
Pizza shop time 🍕
Well Crew Haddock have loved playing in the new role play area
Poppy Wreath
In Crew Haddock today the children made their poppy wreath
Building skills
Crew Haddock were showing off their building skills
Completing his maths . Well done Freddie
XP Outdoors
Crew Godley joined Crew Haddock outside today splashing in muddy puddles
Role play
Our crew enjoyed playing shops this morning as our maths topic is money.
Xp Outdoors
Well we couldn’t get into our forest area due to the rain but that didn’t stop us from getting outside. Crew Thompson enjoyed playing a game of basketball with the Crew Haddock.
Coding in AP
The children have had a lovely session in coding again today where they have supported the rest of their crew when they were struggling. Team Work🫶
Lego therapy 👷
This morning in Crew Haddock, We used our Listening and communication skills to followed and give Lego instructions to build Lego models.