Roald Dahl Day 2023! 🎈🎉📚📝

What a ‘PHIZZ WHIZZING’ 🌟 day it was across UKS2 this morning! Today I had the pleasure of sharing my love of Roald Dahl books with Crew McLoughlin, Crew MI and Crew Boswell. In Crew McLoughlin we looked at some of my favourite Roald Dahl books including Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG. The children also shared some of their favourite books. We then looked at some information about Roald Dahl including his personal life, work life and great achievements. Our most interesting finding was that he was a spy at the age of 25, during WW2! The children then created some information leaflets so that they could share their knowledge about Roald Dahl with others. In Crew MI, we started by learning who Roald Dahl was, what he was famous for and why we celebrate him on this specific date (his birthday! 🎈) We then collaboratively, through echo and chorus reading, read an extract from the BFG. The children then used this to draw what they thought the BFG looked like based on the description that Roald Dahl had written. The children’s drawings were ‘SPLENDIFEROUS’! In Crew Boswell, we started by reading some interesting facts about Roald Dahl including his early life, his school life, his role during WW2, his children, the books he wrote and how he spent his later life. We couldn’t believe how many books he had written (49!) and how many had been translated into over 50 different languages so that they can be enjoyed worldwide! We also enjoyed looking at ‘GOBBLEFUNK’ (words invented by Roald Dahl!). The children finished the session by making posters all about Roald Dahl. After a busy morning and lots of hard work we were all definitely ready for ‘SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS’! 😋🍽

French in KS2

This week we have started our French learning journey! We started off by learning how to greet one another and ask someone what their name is. We also discussed our classroom protocols and were introduced to French phrases that Madame McGlone will be using during our lessons.

We worked hard using lots of ‘my turn, your turn’, working on our pronunciation, and understanding the meaning of each phrase. We then had a visit from our French speaking friend Phillipe the Puppet, who we confidently introduced ourselves to. We finished off with a slight twist on the game ’21’. We used the French numbers from 1-10 to adapt the rules slightly to try and be the last crew member standing. Super effort from everyone – très bien!

UKS2 family stay and engage

Thank you to all the parents and carers that joined us this afternoon for our Colombian kahoot quiz, coffee and biscuit. It was wonderful to have so many of you in school and to see the children’s smiling faces as they took part in the quiz. Hopefully everyone learnt a few new facts on Colombia!! Children are now really excited for our next few geography lessons where we will focus on Colombia in more detail.

Trip to Langsett Reservoir

Year 5 and 6 had a great trip to Langsett Reservoir to begin to establish a strong crew where the children can be themselves and develop their teamwork skills in a caring and safe environment. We worked together to answer our crew guiding question was ‘How can we get everyone to the top of the mountain?‘ The answer was simple… work together, support one another, enjoy exploring, share the load and plenty of chocolate biscuits. We had a fantastic day (even the sun came out) and it was a pleasure to see the children enjoying themselves and truly becoming a crew that we know that will go from strength to strength as the year progresses… watch this space. Well done everyone!