Caring Crew (8.7.22) 🤔

Today, LKS2 have completed their caring Crew activity. They were asked to think about something they couldn’t live without and then draw it. It was interesting to see what the children couldn’t live without, which ranged from Nintendo Switches to school to families. Check out some of our images below:

LKS2 independent writing planning (7.3.22)📝

Today, LKS2 started planning their independent writing plot points, based on the book The Polar Bear Explorers Club. Today, we drew what we thought would happen in the plot point and then we acted it out. After completing that, we then looked through the different lenses to be able to jot down vocabulary ready to use in our independent writing. We can’t wait to write and read them!

Musical talent in Y4

Over the last two days in Y4 we have been learning how to clap in a rhythm and read music to be able to create a melody.

Polar Bear Explorers Club experience day (22.2.22) ❄️🐻‍❄️

Welcome to the polar bear explorers club! To really immerse the children into their new book, which they are going to be using to write from, we organised the children to work through a few similar missions to what Stella has to. We started the session with children having to infer what was happening through the personal secret envelopes. The children then experienced what a ship would feel like when surrounded by wolves and unicorns. Once arriving at Coldgate (the hall) the children experienced the harbour and a sled ride to the headquarters.

PE days

Crew Marsh PE days have stayed the same: Thursday and Friday.

French crew

Crew Marsh have been learning french numbers up to 10. Quiz us to see if we can remember!

Magnets (11.2.22)

Year 3 and 4 have been taking a look at how magnets work. We loved the active lesson where we spoke through the vocabulary of magnets, including push, pull, attract and repel. We then went on to draw our own magnet diagram and describe how the magnets work.

Happy half term to LKS2 as well! Enjoy the rest and see you all in a weeks time 😆