Showing our science experiment results on a graph!
Cookies and milk 🥛
Enjoy a treat for beating our HOWL score
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Crew Fox PE tomorrow
Just a reminder PE is tomorrow for Crew Fox
Crew Fox change of PE day
Crew Fox PE days are now Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
BBK – What can we find out about Watt?
Researching the life of inventor James Watt in Y6.
Experimenting with dissolving
We have explored the different solutes that can be dissolved to become a solution this week. We realised that the hotter the temperature of the soluble, the quicker the materials dissolve and become a solution. Here we are experimenting with coffee and cold water. It looked like the solute had dissolved, but when we looked closer, there were still parts of the solute (coffee) at the bottom of the jar!
Kahoot maths!
A quiz a day keeps the brain buzzing wheyyy (I’ve tried to think of a rhyme 😀)
Maths week Crew Fox
This morning, we kick started maths week with a times tables game 🧠 – around the world 🌎! We have also been playing times tables fizz buzz focusing on replacing multiples of 3 with ‘fizz’ and multiples of 5 with ‘buzz’ – this challenged our brain power 🧠. Tomorrow we will be playing kahoot quizzes 📱 to challenge our arithmetic skills!
Crew Fox blog w/c 1.11.21
First week back completed ✅
Our HOWL average has improved this week, resulting in most days achieving a 2.8 – we are getting closer to that secure 3 score! 🤩
This week, we kick started our science case study with investigating states of matter and physical and chemical changes. We worked together to explore the difference between the changes and enjoyed experimenting with states of matter. 👩🏼🔬👨🏾🔬
We now have active fusion delivering our PE and we are working on netball skills! Some of us have even joined a netball team and are going to be practicing these skills with Miss Marsh ready for a competition. 🏀
Accelerated reader has also began in our crew. Some of us have read a full book already and have began gaining points by taking part in the book quiz! Keep a watch out for which team in the crew is in the lead 📚
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!