Learning in provision

Crew Welburn were so excited to see a new addition to our role play today – a supermarket! The children couldn’t wait to get into their choosing time to go and explore and it was definitely the busiest areas of the classroom today! The children showed how well they could share resources, take turns and develop their own story lines in their role play. Some of the children even showed off their writing skills by independently writing a list of items that they wanted to buy from the shop – amazing work Crew Welburn!

The children also used our healthy vegetables to explore different prints in the workshop, and made real Mr Potato Heads out of vegetables while explain what each part represented! Such a fun day for us all!

Engaging in Expedition

Crew Welburn have started Case Study 1 in expedition this week – How can I help my body to grow? We begun by looking at the skills that we need to work on in our crews to look after our bodies, and to develop our independence. We began by talking about how we brush our teeth and why we need to look after our teeth, and then we moved on to how we can be more independent when getting dressed – especially when we are putting on our gloves! We all showed the grown ups that we can turn our jumpers the right way around and put them on with no help, zip up our coats with no help, and every single one of us had a go at putting on our gloves without needing the grown ups to do it for us! 🧤

Popular Play-dough!

We had an exciting delivery today in Crew Welburn…Some new play-dough resources had been delivered to help us with our fine motor skills so that we can make our fingers nice and strong! It was a very popular area of provision all day, and the grown ups were all really impressed with how well the children were challenging themselves to use the new tools and to use their fine motor skills, and focussing on what they were doing


Today in Crew Welburn, we have been looking at 2D shapes. We learnt all about squares and rectangles, and then used a range of shapes to create pictures. Lots of these ended up on our proud pieces wall as we worked really hard to create them and to talk about the shapes and their properties within the pictures.

Week 2 in Crew Welburn

We had lots of fun in Crew Welburn last week. We explored our provision areas, began working on our final product plant pots so that the base coats were dry, and began looking at how the numbers 4 and 5 are made within our maths lessons. We also had a go at challenging ourselves to independently make and write words using our phonics sounds! Miss Welburn was very impressed with our Fred talk and blending.

Hooking in to Expedition!

This week, Crew Welburn are hooking in to our new expedition! We are looking at the expedition ‘How do things grow and change?’ and we are starting with the case study, ‘How can I help my body to grow?’ We begun our day by thinking about foods that help us to grow and how healthy foods are good for our bodies. We did some taste testing of different fruits, made some delicious fruit kebabs and voted for our favourite fruit! We loved tasting all of the different fruits, but our most popular with 11 votes was grapes!

XP outdoors!

This week in crew, Miss Welburn set us a challenge to see if we could make our outdoor area a little bit tidier and safer by sweeping up the leaves and using the litter pickers to put any rubbish in the bin. We did a fantastic job, working together as a crew, and our outdoor area looks much better now 😁

Litter picking and collecting leaves in EYFS 🗑🍂

This morning during crew, Crew McGlone and Crew Welburn worked together to collect litter and leaves from our playground. We talked about how this would make our playground a safer place for us to play.

Together we collected LOTS of leaves and put them into bin bags – some of us even got to use special litter pickers! Our playground is already looking much better but we are going to continue taking care of our outdoor area so it is a lovely place for us to spend time in.

Christmas in Crew Welburn

We had lots of fun during our Christmas pyjama day last week 🎅🏻 We watched The Snowman which was very exciting and even though there were no words, we could follow the story and narrate what was happening. We even helped Miss Welburn to decorate the Christmas tree too 🎄We all thought it looked beautiful when we had finished!