So at break time the year 6’s played cricket. They achieve lots of team building.

So at break time the year 6’s played cricket. They achieve lots of team building.
Today, year 6 children met the author P.G Bell, the writer of THE TRAIN TO IMPOSSIBLE PLACES.
We even got to ask him a few questions!
We are looking forward to a lovely week celebrating the men special to us 🥰
Today Bobby was the hero of the week. Well done
Today in our reading lesson we consolidated our learning with an entry ticket. Children had to write a post code home as the main character thinking about his feelings as he arrived at Camp Green Lake. We even tried to include some Y6 writing features! We then read the next part of the text before completing a crossword activity around vocabulary. Finally we worked in mini crews on some book talk questions where we used the text effectively to support our answers. There was some great text marking in MI today which helped us when skimming and scanning for answers.
Today we explored pie charts in our maths lesson. There were some great discussions on how we go about answering some of the more challenging reasoning and problem solving questions. I really praise the collaboration from everyone π
Happy birthday Aaron! Thank you for the buns π
During our final word session today, we reflected on our first two expeditions and the beautiful work we had produced. It was lovely to see children looking back through their books and the learning journey they had been on. They were then able to add some of their work to their final word slides.
Today we have revisited the work we started on the book βHolesβ We recapped the story so far using a range of strategies to read the text. We thought about who the characters are, what the setting is, the genre of the text and what has happened so far. We then read the next part of the text using a read around the robin, echo read and partner reading. As we read, we noted down any vocabulary we wanted to discuss. We then thought about these words again in context and unpicked their definitions together. From here we looked at a range of questions continuing our book talk session. We linked our questions to the lenses linking about what the questions were asking us. There was some great collaborative working this morning with lots of children voicing their opinions on different parts of the text.
year 6 had an lovely afternoon in the forest building dens, swing on trees, making a see saw,. lovely weather for it