Sharing our stories in MI

Today we finished our stories on scratch and what an incredible job everyone has done. We watched our partners stories and offered some critique. We were then given time to improve our work using our partners thoughts! Finally, we shared our stories with the rest of the crew and offered praise, notices and wonders. MI really have done such a fantastic job during the ICT case study.

IMPORTANT- change of SATs dates for Y6

The government have released that there will be a change to the SATs timetable for year 6 next year due to an additional bank holiday for the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on Monday 8th May.

The new dates are still the same week but will now start on the Tuesday and finish on the Friday.

  • Tuesday 9 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling)
  • Wednesday 10 May: English reading paper
  • Thursday 11 May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
  • Friday 12 May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)  

Please speak to the year 6 team if you require more information.

Case study 3 continues in MI

Today we continued with our ICT work. We created our own sprite based on Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to travel in space. We followed the instructions carefully then started to create our own back drop. Some great support was given today by our peers which was lovely to see.