We’re on the move 🚗🚌🚀

There’s been lots of exciting activities happening in provision down in EYFS linked to our Summer expedition.

Box modelling has been popular this week with lots of us deciding to make buses, cars and spaceships! Carsen and Arya worked extremely well together to make a spaceship complete with rocket launchers and safety cables to keep the astronauts safe. Alyssa was very proud of her creation and loved the shiny metal details she had added to it. Max and Rose used their teamwork skills to decorate their vehicle making sure that they listened well to each other and talked through where to put everything. Anastasia and Harlow did a great job of adding extra features to their car and showed fantastic HOWLs by asking Lizzie if she wanted to help by adding features of her own. Great work Crew McGlone! ⭐️💕

An engineer in the making? 🏎️

Wade has been very busy making lots of different things in our construction area this week but his racing car blew me away! Wade explained that his car only had 2 wheels because it moved SO fast that if there were any more they would not all touch the ground at the same time. He also said that the car moved fast because it has a rocket on the top that blasts out fire and it shoots down the road! You never know, Wade might be a future racing car engineer! 🏎️

We are constructors! 👷🏼‍♀️👷🏻‍♂️

We have been extremely busy this week using our maths and problem solving skills to build towers, castles and even villages! At times, we have worked with lots of our friends to construct different things which means we have been using and building on our teamwork skills too! We’ve drawn roads, made car parks, built walls… there’s no limit to our imaginations!

Celebrating the coronation of King Charles III! 👑

We have enjoyed lots of fun activities linked to the coronation of King Charles. We started by making our own crowns, decorating them with lots of sparkly sequins, pom poms and glittery paper.

Then, we made our own crown shaped biscuits for us to eat at our special party on Friday. We made sure that we washed our hands properly before we mixed our ingredients together. We rolled our dough out and used the cutter to shape it into a crown before Mrs Rafter put them in the oven to bake. The following day, we used icing and sprinkles to decorate our biscuits ready to taste at our party! 🎉

On Friday, it was time to party! Aimee and the kitchen staff very kindly prepared party food for us and we all sat and enjoyed a picnic, before tucking into our delicious biscuits!

Once we had eaten and tidied away it was time to turn the music up and have a dance! 🕺💃

Expedition through provision 🚚🚤

We have taken our learning from expedition and continued it through into provision. We love playing with the trucks and diggers and noticed that when we play with them in the sand, their wheels make a pattern. We wondered what the patterns would look like if we used paint so we attached a roll of paper to our slide, added our paint and let them go! We loved the patterns the different colours made.

Max and Kingsley have been using their imagination by pretending that our pallet is a boat. They were both relaxing and apparently they were going to try and catch some fish! Max told me that they didn’t need to row and get tired because their boat has a motor – happy fishing! 🎣

Since we looked at different journeys, we have been thinking about the journeys our emergency vehicle toys might make. We’ve worked together to create a road map, adding other vehicles that might be on the road, as well as buildings that they might pass on their route. We used the blocks from our construction area to help us build the local area around our road. Hunter even made a police station where the policeman was having a nap before he started his next shift! 👮🏻‍♂️We worked so hard as a team and we showed great resilience when it came to building – great work!