MTC Testing!

As some of you may be aware, all year 4 pupils now complete a multiplication tables check (MTC). This is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It also enables us, as teachers, to identify those pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. 

For all year 4 pupils we have added in some extra time during the school week to allow them to practise their times tables, sometimes they are working in a small group with an adult, other times practising times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars, as well as conducting a weekly MTC test. 

During SLCs some parents asked how they could help to support their child at home, therefore please find below a list of useful websites:

Teachers will also be sending children home with some times table sheets as we know some children prefer to practise in this way. 

To make you aware the MTC test is a timed test where children are given 6 seconds to answer a multiplication question. The test comprises of 25 questions and to pass children are expected to achieve 25/25. 

Teachers will be sending children home weekly with a slip to indicate what their score was this week and how that compares to their previous score, as well as suggesting timestables that your child needs to work on. 

This year the test will be conducted between Monday 5th June and Friday 16th June 2023. This means that we have lots of time to keep practising! 

If you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to pop into school and either speak to myself (Mrs Elmer) or your child’s class teacher. 

Many thanks for your continued support. 

February half term camp!

We have exciting news again, Active Fusion are hosting camps at out school in February half term (Monday 13th – Friday 17th February). Camps will cost £6 per day and children we need to bring their own pack lunch. The reason camps are charged this time is because Active Fusion are not receiving any funding from the government.

Please sign up using the link below:


We have had such a wonderful first few weeks back at school and the children’s enthusiasm for learning is wonderful to see especially when we have been learning about circuits. The children in LKS2 have enjoyed investigating how circuits work and what happens in additional equipment is added. They particularly enjoyed adding a switch and buzzer to their circuits. The children have demonstrated fantastic HOWLs by listening to each other carefully when creating their own circuits.

LKS2 Hook Week

During our hook week, the children in LKS2 enjoyed learning about what plants needs to survive and of course the different parts of a flowering plant. They even planted their very own seed, we cannot wait to watch them grow.

We also learned about sustainability and shared the different ways that we can be more sustainable at school and at home. The children created some eye catching posters to remind others as well as making their own pledge. It was wonderful to see the children share their praises and notices for each other’s posters. The children were eager to share their ideas and they could explain how some small changes can make a big difference.

Attendance Awards

BIG well done to all of these children who achieved 97% or more for their attendance score in the Autumn term! 🙌 All children were given a certificate, a chocolate reindeer (yummy!) and a HUGE round of applause from all of LKS2! Some of the children who achieved 100% are also very much looking forward to receiving a McDonalds this half term as a celebration of their dedication to not missing a day at school! In addition to these rewards, the parents of those children who achieved 97% or more in Autumn 2 were entered into a special prize draw …to win a £10 voucher to spend at Asda! All names were placed in a ‘hat’ and a name was selected at random! All of LKS2 were pleased to announce that it went to Isaacs mum! Well done!  The hard decision now is who will get to spend it?!… Isaac or his parents! Either way, enjoy! Watch out for more exciting rewards  and prizes  this half term, and remember you have to be in it (school every day!) to win it! 

Reading Volunteers Wanted!

Hello Everyone! 

We are looking for some volunteers in Lower Key Stage Two to come into school and listen to some children read on a 1:1 basis. 

Scarily, 1 in 4 children leave primary school unable to read well, resulting in life long consequences. It is our mission at Carcroft to ensure that all of our children leave our school able to read well. 

If you have some time to spare, a day, a few hours or even an hour, and enjoy spending time with children then we would love it if you could come and help us to support our children with reading. 

We hope that from this experience our children will become better readers and develop a stronger love for reading and for you to gain an enormous amount of pleasure from seeing the difference that a few hours can make to a child’s reading ability, confidence and enjoyment. 

Ideally we would appreciate volunteers giving us their time until the end of the Summer Term, however if you are only able to commit to a few weeks or months then please do not hesitate to enquire. 

If you feel like this is something that you can offer then please pop into school and ask to speak to myself, Mrs Elmer (KS2 Reading Lead) and I will provide you with more details. 

I look forward to hearing from you.