Crew Robson showed great communication and team work to complete their crew challenge this morning. Well done everyone!
Crew Robson showed great communication and team work to complete their crew challenge this morning. Well done everyone!
Crew Godley had a great time trying to build the tallest tower using only paper and cellotape. We worked in groups to find ways to make our towers tall but also sturdy so that they could stand up on their own.
In Crew this morning we discussed who Saint George was and why is is celebrated on 23rd April. We worked collaboratively to make a handprint dragon as part of our crew challenge.
At lunchtime we enjoyed our indoor picnic served in a union flag box!
Finally this afternoon we completed our St George’s Day quest. We had to complete three craft activities including pointillism dragons, collage shields and a London inspired Union flag. The children loved taking part in all the activities and collecting stickers when they completed a challenge.
This afternoon, we celebrated St Georges day by looking into the story of St George. We learned that St George was a Christian who lived in Turkey. He became a Roman soldier at the age of 17. The ruler at the time wanted to punish Christians but St George stood up for them. Unfortunately he was punished for this but his bravery didn’t go unnoticed. He was rewarded and became a patron saint. We then looked at the British Values, in particular democracy. We found out that democracy means that everyone has a say and the right to vote. You have to be the age of 18 to vote but that didn’t stop us. We had 3 politicians who had a manifesto. We then went to the polling station and cast our vote on a ballot paper. Shelby won our vote by gaining the majority!
In crew this morning, we celebrate Earth day and found out it’s theme this year is planet vs plastic. We was really excited to find this out as we managed to use our recent expedition knowledge (final product) to support our thinking. We know lots of ways to protect our planet such as, recycling, using less plastic, using bikes, turning off the taps, turning off the lights, planting trees and reduce our waste. We then completed a sorting activity based on what things are good for the planet and what things are bad for the planet. We need to protect our planet everyday, not just on Earth Day as there is no planet B!
Crew Robson had such a fun time on the inflatable. We work so hard to improve our HoWLs and always try to be the best we can be. It was lovely to celebrate with our peers and have fun outside!
Crew Marsh laughed and bounced their way through the inflatable course and slide. We work so hard to ensure our HoWLs are of a high standard and look forward to celebrating our achievements in such a fun way! Crew doesn’t stop when we’re having fun, the children worked together as a team offering praise and encouragement to their peers who found it tricky! Especially Miss Holdsworth, she needed the crew to help her reach the top of the slide and everyone’s resilience paid off! It was such great fun!
The children in crew Haddock really enjoyed looking for clues and working out the answers in the easter egg hunt
This week we unpicked what habits we have. We decided whether these were good habits or bad habits and then looked at how we could improve these habits! We have some great habits such as reading to calm down, going swimming each week and listening to music but we definitely need to improve some bad habits like picking our finger nails.
In our Crew this morning, we shared our feelings and started to learn about how to keep our minds healthy. We unpicked what the word ‘mental’ means and then discussed ‘mental well-being’. After a crew conversation around what we all enjoy doing, we completed a yoga task to start our day off calmly and positive.
During our debrief, we reflected on what we had learned about why it is important to look after ourselves.
Summer, ‘It is important to keep mentally healthy so that you can be positive.’
Levi, ‘If you have a good mental health you can think better and clearer.’
Lydia, ‘It’s important to look after ourselves to live a happy and healthy life.’
Shelby, ‘The yoga was calming and can help you let out any stresses. You can do this at home too.’
Joshua, ‘I am going to try and make sure I sleep for longer to be healthier.’