Water Safety

Today, we were very lucky to be part of a live talk with Yorkshire Water about the importance of being safe near water. It was really interesting to listen to some of the hidden dangers around open water. The main messages were to stay away from the edge and ensuring that we don’t try to go in after someone who is having difficulty. It’s important that we call for help and don’t put ourselves into danger. We ended the call with a quiz, safe to say we had all discovered so much and scored full marks! We then continued our work by spotting hidden dangers and creating water safety posters to share with our grown ups.

Crew Challenge

Today we had our smelly socks our in our crew challenge! Our challenge was to create a ‘Leaning Tower of Feetza’. It was such a pleasure to see the children collaborating independently and being resilient when our towers tumbled!

A smelly crew challenge

Today our crew challenge was the Leaning Tower of Feetza.

The children worked in small groups to build the tallest freestanding tower using only their shoes. It was lovely to see them all working together and supporting each other even if it was a little smelly afterwards!!

Visiting our Local Church

Year Two took a lovely scenic walk up to our local church at Owston to complete our first case study in Christianity. Along the way we ensured we were stewards of our local area and collected litter, we were praised by the public for our lovely manners and care to our community. When we arrived at the church we were excited to explore the grounds and noticed lots of old artefacts which dated back to 1086, Owston Church we discovered was also mentioned in the Doomsday Book. A fantastic piece of history, right on our doorstep!

Giant’s Keys – Crew Building

In crew, we played a game called ‘Giant’s Keys’. The ‘giant’ was sat on a chair in the middle of the circle, with their keys underneath. One person in the circle had to quietly steal the keys. Once they had successfully been stolen, we all put our arms behind our backs before the giant tried to guess who had stolen their keys!

Mental health week continues….

Today we explored how bullying can affect our mental health. We looked at different scenarios and discussed these as a crew. We conferred that bullying happens over a long period of time, continuously. We looked at the scenarios which led to discussions around how to treat each other to ensure we all felt mentally happy and safe.
– Koa suggested that by using kind words to our friends that everyone would be happy to come to school.
– Thomas said that if he saw unkind behaviour that he would talk to a trusted adult to help him.
– Evie said that if someone is bullied they might feel upset and lonely.
– Riley suggested that if we saw a friend being left out we could be kind to them and invite them to play a game.
I am so proud of how caring Crew Godley are!