Challenge crew

In challenge crew, we had to use nonverbal ways of communication to give clues to others about the number on the card. Some ways we did this were by clapping or jumping. We then had to group ourselves into whether our number was low, middle or high. After a few goes we got really good at it.

Challenge Crew

This morning for Challenge Crew we worked in small groups to complete ‘The Group Hop’ challenge. This required us to use our coordination and communication skills. We worked in small groups and began by standing in a straight line, we then placed our right hand on the shoulder of the person in front of us and gave them our left leg/ankle to hold. We then had to see how far we could hop along together without toppling over! We then challenged ourselves to see who could hop the farthest! It was great fun but we definitely encountered a few hurdles! During our debrief we realised that communication was vital and that we had to work as a team to be successful.

Drawing Challenge

This morning in Crew we discussed having a positive attitude even when things are tricky. We talked about how we all find different things hard and for some of us this is drawing. We had a go and following a how to draw video and practiced showing perseverance!

Celebrating St George

In Crew this morning we discussed who Saint George was and why is is celebrated on 23rd April. We worked collaboratively to make a handprint dragon as part of our crew challenge.

At lunchtime we enjoyed our indoor picnic served in a union flag box!

Finally this afternoon we completed our St George’s Day quest. We had to complete three craft activities including pointillism dragons, collage shields and a London inspired Union flag. The children loved taking part in all the activities and collecting stickers when they completed a challenge.

What is democracy?

This afternoon, we celebrated St Georges day by looking into the story of St George. We learned that St George was a Christian who lived in Turkey. He became a Roman soldier at the age of 17. The ruler at the time wanted to punish Christians but St George stood up for them. Unfortunately he was punished for this but his bravery didn’t go unnoticed. He was rewarded and became a patron saint. We then looked at the British Values, in particular democracy. We found out that democracy means that everyone has a say and the right to vote. You have to be the age of 18 to vote but that didn’t stop us. We had 3 politicians who had a manifesto. We then went to the polling station and cast our vote on a ballot paper. Shelby won our vote by gaining the majority!

Monday crew- Earth day!

In crew this morning, we celebrate Earth day and found out it’s theme this year is planet vs plastic. We was really excited to find this out as we managed to use our recent expedition knowledge (final product) to support our thinking. We know lots of ways to protect our planet such as, recycling, using less plastic, using bikes, turning off the taps, turning off the lights, planting trees and reduce our waste. We then completed a sorting activity based on what things are good for the planet and what things are bad for the planet. We need to protect our planet everyday, not just on Earth Day as there is no planet B!