Breakfast with Santa

We had a very special visit from Santa this morning, he joined us for a festive breakfast. However, he declined the offerings of food incase he couldn’t fit down the chimney on Christmas Eve!

Challenge crew in MI

Today our crew challenge was rock, paper, scissors! We worked in groups of three, one person recording the score on whiteboards! We then swapped roles. The winners of the group then competed with each other until we had an overall champion 🙂 We loved this challenge! There was a real buzz in the classroom, lots of giggles and smiles and lots of encouragement.

Road Safety

In crew today we explored the importance of Road safety and how to keep safe whilst out and about. We looked at local hotspot areas for road traffic collisions and why these might have occurred. We watched a video and spotted the hidden dangers, like walking whilst looking on your phone and crossing the road in front in front of vehicles.

Anti-Bullying Week in Crew Godley

This week we have been unpicking what it means to be kind and how we can apply this knowledge when exploring the purpose of anti- bullying week.

The theme of the week has been respect, we’ve watched different clips to showcase different examples of respect and then discussed the video as a crew, creating anchor charts to show what it means to us. We have thought a lot about respectful language and what disrespectful responses would sound like and what respectful responses would look like.

We have created anti-bullying posters to share with our families to show what we have been exploring this week in crew.

In our debrief of the week we thought about why it is important to respect each other, how respect helps us when making friends and solving problems. We concluded that when everyone treats each other with kindness and respect then we have a much more positive time with our peers. This has had an impact on our HoWLs this week and we have seen an improvement in our ‘Be Kind’ HoWL.

We ended the week with ‘pie’ing’ Mr T to raise money for Children In Need. Needless to say, the children had great fun! We’d like to thank all of our parents in school who have contributed to this great cause and we raised a whopping £121! Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Odd socks day in MI

Today we wore odd socks to school to celebrate that everyone is unique. We continued to look at the theme of the week- respect and also linked this to kindness. We thought about how we feel when people are kind to us and why it is important to treat other people the way we want to be treated. We then made pledges… To help stop bullying and to show kindness to all people, I pledge… We worked well in mini crews to build our pledges then shared with the whole crew. From here we looked at our activity linking to odd socks day. We worked with our partner to discuss ways in which we are same and ways we are different. We loved this activity and found out more about others. We then thought about how we wanted to showcase our odd socks!

Find a friend who…

On our return from half term, our first crew session was to use the time to get to know others. We had to find someone in our crew who liked swimming or who liked pizza for example. This allowed us to use our speaking and listening skills as we had to ask questions and listen to their responses. We then did a quick hands up at the end to see who else liked a particular thing.

MI start anti-bullying week

Today we started to think about the theme of the week- respect. We watched different clips to showcase different examples of respect and then discussed the videos in mini crews. We then went onto thinking about what happens when we disagree with someone and what we view conflict to be. We looked at a variety of scenario cards showcasing conflict. We thought about what disrespectful responses would sound like and what respectful responses would look like. In our debrief we thought about why it is important to respect each other, how respect helps in making friends and solving problems and how respect can create a positive school environment. There were some great discussions in Crew MI today and we are looking forward to continuing our discussions tomorrow.