How does what I do, impact others?

KS1 strengthened their crews last week by having a real focus on Crew, what does it mean to us and the wider community. Our guiding questions were, ‘How does what I do, impact others?’ and ‘Does crew stop at the school gates?’. With this in mind you’ll have noticed in our blogs last week that we delivered books and kindness stones to the local community to show kindness and care. Well…….. we were so excited to see that some of these have been found and brought joy to other children outside of our school community. The children were so excited to see this in morning crew today 😊

Cracking Crew

Wow! It’s been an amazing day as Crew Shields took part in a full day of Scotty’s heroes.

The children started the day off taking part in a murder mystery. They had to find clues to allow them to open the chests so they could discover the victim and the murderer. Throughout the task, children had to use their communication skills and make inferences from the information they’d been given. They learned that if they were to complete the task again that it’s about taking your time and processing the information. Well done to the second group that pretty much cracked the case.

Then they had to solve the mystery of the stolen sweets. Outside, children had to play detective to find the missing sweets. We had an evidence officer and another officer who marked the evidence found on the map. Children had to work slowly and carefully to find the evidence and report to the evidence officer. By marking it on the map, they could track the movements of the sweet thief. As with the previous task, they reflected that they needed to slow down and be methodical in their search methods. Added bonus they’ve been given the sweets to share next week. 😊

Next, children spent time in the forest where they had to get a fire going and keep it burning. Once the fire was going, they had to boil water to purify it. This required lots of team work as some children needed to find fuel for the fire while others kept it going. One team was successful and got their water boiling.

The day ended with a recon operation. Children had to observe an enemy camp and they replicate it using the same equipment. They had a certain length of time to look and go back to their own camp. Throughout the time they were given further opportunities to check the camp so they could ensure theirs was correct. 1 team did a great job of replicating the enemy camp and this was due to their great observational and communication skills. They were able to allocate certain areas to each person so they had a small area to focus on.

It’s been a great day and one I feel the children have taken a lot from. When we completed our debrief of the day, they were able to articulate that they were successful by working together. That communication, cooperation and patience were important skills for today. It was also lovely to be able to observe the children in a range of activities and get a real feel for how they work with each other.

Crew Thompson – First week back! 🎉

What a first 3 days back! This week we have been working towards answering our guiding question: What does crew mean to me? As a crew we have focussed on developing our communication skills and our ability to work as a team. We have done lots of different activities such as jigsaw puzzles, communication games and baking!

We created a crew bunting from leaves we found in the forrest. We worked together to collect lots of leaves and even managed to find some huge ones!

What a fantastic first week back in Year 3!

Day 2- Crew Marsh working hard to get smart in English

Today I had the pleasure of spending an hour with Crew Marsh during their first English lesson. They listened again to the Rainbow Fish story and talked about how this linked to our ‘be kind’ HoWLs. Then they completed some activities linked to their ‘be kind’ story to help them to really understand the importance of being kind in Crew Marsh and how being unkind can make people feel.

I was blown away by the way they all concentrated throughout the lesson. They carefully watched Miss Marsh model sentence writing and then had a go. I cannot believe how amazing they did. I also loved seeing the children work independently in their labs creating their fish.