Crew Challenge

Lovely little Crew activity this morning with Mrs Rhodes. Rock, paper, scissors where the children had to compete against each other and move a step when they won. If they reached the middle then they got the keep the crew member form the other team. The aim of the game was to get as many children from the other team.

Natural Maths

The children have been exploring in the outdoor area to find materials, working as a mini crew to create numerals from 0-10. It was such a fun maths lesson, we didn’t want to come inside!

“This was the best maths lesson ever, I wish we had 2 maths lessons today” – Harrison

Crew Boswell – Working Together

In our final challenge crew, we carried on building our communication and teamwork skills with a few problem-solving activities. A hoop race and version of cops and robbers saw us thinking about strategies to become more efficient whilst ensuring we were all working to a common goal.

Transition day – Crew Shields

Such a lovely day spent as our new crew. We’ve completed some crew challenges while also getting to know each other. Children made name cards as there were lots of new faces for me but I think I’d remembered them all by the end of the day. We’ve played chess, finding someone in the crew who like marvel films for instance, some inference and predictions about a story which lead to us discussing the moral of the story. This afternoon, children had to work together to get into height order and birthday order before finishing off with one partner drawing and the other explaining what they had to draw. ✍️

We discussed the importance of crew and some of the expectations for next year. We’ll be able to get these properly embedded when we return after the summer break.

I’m looking forward to a great year with year 4 and I’ve every faith they will be amazing. Exciting times ahead. 😊🤩

Crew Robson Transition Day

We started the day with a crew challenge to see which pair could build the best structure out of marshmallows and tooth picks to support a hard boiled egg!

We then went outside to complete a I spy nature hunt and enjoyed exploring in forest school.

The children voted for which book they would like me to read at snack time then we enjoyed some yoga!