Respecting our rights and differences 🌎

Today in citizenship Crew we talked about how dull the world would be if we were all the same! We celebrated our differences and things that made each of us unique. We had some fantastic discussions around the differences we observed in the pictures and concluded no matter where you are from or what you may look like we should treat each other with kindness and respect. Evie made a great point that in doing this we would all keep each other safe.

Crew Marsh celebrates World Book Day 2024 📚

Today we had a variety of costumes in Crew Marsh to showcase our favourite characters. We listened to a range of stories and one of our favourites was “There’s a Dragon in your book” by Tom Fletcher. We really enjoyed this story because it was funny and we were all able to join in by using our imaginations it was great fun…just how reading should be! 📕❤️

XP Outdoors

Crew Godley had a little bit of a different challenge today, we ventured out into the forest to see if we could find some dancing stickmen! We had some great ideas and it was lovely to see the children recreating stories with their dancing sticks 💃 🕺

Challenge crew

In crew this morning, we continued to work as a team to achieve a common goal. Todays aim was to see how many pieces of paper we could hold with body parts. We had to work in mini crews and follow certain rules. Only one piece of paper could be held between two body parts, each sheet had to touch both crew members and the pieces of paper could not touch. It was super tricky but we managed to get some pieces of paper to stay!

Citizenship Crew

Today in Citizenship crew we continued looking at our rights and the rights of others. We discovered that showing respect for others is really important, to ensure everyone feels safe and cared for. We looked at different scenarios and sorted them into two groups, those that showed respect and those that didn’t. We had some really interesting discussions and Oliver again blew us away with his knowledge and understating of social norms.