What makes us happy? ☺️☀️

In our mindful crew session this week, we looked at how sometimes we can feel lonely. We had a great discussion about what feeling lonely meant and how we can do things which can make us feel less lonely. We then chotted these ideas down on a sheet. It was lovely to see the things that we can do to make us feel happy 😃🥰

Super Scottys

We just love our Wednesday morning Scottys session!! We always work super hard as a team to achieve a common goal. Today, we had to work together to complete the assault course. This included carrying tyres, jumping through tyres and getting from one base to the other. We are definitely getting better at this every time we try! 💪🛞👏

Citizenship Crew ~ Is it fair?

Today in crew we explored fairnesses. We explored different scenarios and if we felt they were fair or not, we had some great discussions around how fair can look different to people. Being fair doesn’t always mean that everyone gets the same thing or the same amount of something. It means that everyone gets what they need – this sometimes means people get different things.

We concluded that if all people are treated fairly and treat others fairly too, it can help us all to live happy, healthy and safe lives – it can help people to feel good on the inside!

Festival of Sports continued… 🩰⚾️🏃‍♂️💨😅

How exciting and what an amazing opportunity for some of our children to experience! The final dance when all the schools came together was amazing and it really is a memory which will stay with our children I’m sure! They all took part in the activities and thoroughly enjoyed each one, boccia being a new one to try and they took to it like pro’s. Great sportsmanship from KS1 today well done 👏

Challenge Crew ⭕️

Today in challenge Crew we had to pass the hoop along the line without letting go of ours peers hands, this was so tricky as to make it even more challenging we had to do it within one minute. This was easy! So we challenge ourselves to do it within 30 seconds! We got so quick that in the end it only took us 12 seconds! Great crew work, Crew Godley!