Challenge crew

In crew this morning, we continued to work as a team to achieve a common goal. Todays aim was to see how many pieces of paper we could hold with body parts. We had to work in mini crews and follow certain rules. Only one piece of paper could be held between two body parts, each sheet had to touch both crew members and the pieces of paper could not touch. It was super tricky but we managed to get some pieces of paper to stay!

Citizenship Crew

Today in Citizenship crew we continued looking at our rights and the rights of others. We discovered that showing respect for others is really important, to ensure everyone feels safe and cared for. We looked at different scenarios and sorted them into two groups, those that showed respect and those that didn’t. We had some really interesting discussions and Oliver again blew us away with his knowledge and understating of social norms.

Citizenship crew in Crew Thompson

This morning we looked at what it meant to be “fit as a fiddle”. We investigated what it meant to be physically and mentally healthy where we were able to use our knowledge from Mindful Monday crew. We then looked at how we can keep our head, heart and muscles healthy. We came up with some great ideas for example, exercise for 30 minutes a day, eat your 5 a day, drink plenty of water, get lots of sleep and play with our friends. 🍎💧🏃🏻‍♂️ We then sorted out the different things into the correct box.

Challenge crew 👂🔂

In challenge crew, we played a game called jump in, jump out. First, we circled up and had to follow instructions “jump in” “jump out” “jump left” and “jump right”. We noticed some of us struggled with left and right so we had to work together and communicate to achieve this. Then, we moved onto a challenge and had to do what Miss Thompson said but chant back the opposite. For example if Miss Thompson said “jump left” we jumped left but had to say “jump right”. This definitely required lots of thinking and turned our brains on this morning 🧠🤔