The Good Samaritan

Today in RE we explored what makes a Good Samaritan, we looked at the story from the Bible, The Good Samaritan to explore what Jesus was trying to teach Christians. We discovered that the Samaritan, regardless of his thoughts and beliefs about the Jew who needed his help showed kindness and empathy to support him. He helped the Jew travel to the inn keeper on his donkey, paid for his stay and gave him bandages and oil to treat his wounds.

Festival of Sports continued… 🩰⚾️🏃‍♂️💨😅

How exciting and what an amazing opportunity for some of our children to experience! The final dance when all the schools came together was amazing and it really is a memory which will stay with our children I’m sure! They all took part in the activities and thoroughly enjoyed each one, boccia being a new one to try and they took to it like pro’s. Great sportsmanship from KS1 today well done 👏

Challenge Crew ⭕️

Today in challenge Crew we had to pass the hoop along the line without letting go of ours peers hands, this was so tricky as to make it even more challenging we had to do it within one minute. This was easy! So we challenge ourselves to do it within 30 seconds! We got so quick that in the end it only took us 12 seconds! Great crew work, Crew Godley!

Respecting our rights and differences 🌎

Today in citizenship Crew we talked about how dull the world would be if we were all the same! We celebrated our differences and things that made each of us unique. We had some fantastic discussions around the differences we observed in the pictures and concluded no matter where you are from or what you may look like we should treat each other with kindness and respect. Evie made a great point that in doing this we would all keep each other safe.

Collage Art Work – Hannah Hoch style 🐻‍❄️

This week we have looked at the artist, Hannah Hoch, who is known for her collage work, we began by exploring collage materials and how we could create different effects with colour, size and shape. We practised creating by african animals linking to our key text Handa’s Surprise. We then critiqued these and created a collage of a polar bear to begin our learning around polar regions. Check out our polar collage artwork!

World Book Day 📚

Crew Godley have had a lovely day celebrating their favourite books, we dressed as our favourite characters ranging from the superheroes 🦸‍♀️ to princesses 👸 from our favourite stories. We’ve been ever so busy creating our own character masks – we loved Leyland’s Fantastic Mr 🦊 We also shared stories with our peers and went on a story hunt to find our favourite traditional tales, we all agreed that the Gingerbread Man and Jack and the Beanstalk was our favourite!

XP Outdoors

Crew Godley had a little bit of a different challenge today, we ventured out into the forest to see if we could find some dancing stickmen! We had some great ideas and it was lovely to see the children recreating stories with their dancing sticks 💃 🕺