We were very lucky to be visited today by Geoff who works at XP. He came to show us his drone and talk about how he can use it to take aeriel photographs from high up in the sky. Unfortunately it was just too wet and windy for us to go outside and flying the drone but Geoff has promised to come back on a nice sunny day so we can see the drone flying and try and spot some landmarks in Carcroft.
We continued with our work on ‘Trains’ during music by thinking of different sounds that you would hear on a train or that a train makes. We thought about how we could use our voices and body percussion to create these sounds.
We then practised following a conductor using crescendo and diminuendo actions whilst performing the train sounds we had decided upon.
Miss McGlone played us a rhythm using a drum and after a discussion, we decided that this rhythm could be used to represent the wheels of the train. She then used a shaker to play a beat that was twice as fast as the drum. We said that this could represent the passengers on the train jiggling along as the train moved. Finally, she played a guiro that went twice as fast as the shaker. This represented the sound of the engine. We talked about how the drum and the shaker could stay at their original beat whilst all being layered on top of each other. We listened to an example of how each individual beat could be played at the same time to create a piece representing multiple different parts of a train journey.
We are ready to begin creating our own compositions next lesson that include lots of rhythms layered on top of each other, as well as using crescendo and diminuendo techniques.
We began our new music unit ‘Trains’ by thinking about different modes of transport. We then listened to 4 pieces of music inspired by different modes of transport. We had to listen carefully and draw the type of transport we thought was represented by the music.
We were then introduced to the musical terms ‘crescendo’ and ‘diminuendo’. When the music gets louder it is called a ‘crescendo’. When the music fades away and gets quieter it is called ‘diminuendo’. We looked at the symbols that are used in written music to show this.
We practised a short rhythm and repeated this multiple times. We decided on a visual prompt that our conductor (Miss McGlone) could use to show crescendo and diminuendo and as we repeated the rhythm, we followed the actions of the conductor to make it louder or quieter.
Following on from our previous lesson, we began by practising our call-and-response warm-up ‘Water’, using a range of different notations and actions to go alongside them. We then looked at a short chant called ‘Blue flowing river water’ and discussed the rhythm. We then listened once again to our focus piece ‘Orawa’ and thought about the rhythm we had followed for ‘Blue flowing river water’. We talked about how we could use the same rhythm to create a chant about the journey of the river through the landscape. As a class, we identified seven key things that would be seen as the river travels and we created a short chant about each thing to the rhythm from our warm up.
Once we had perfected the lyrics for the chants and made sure that they fit with the rhythm, we practised as a class making sure we were clapping the correct rhythm as we were chanting.
We continued looking at examples of call-and-response pieces by learning a new warm-up called ‘Water’. During this warm up we used a semibreve, minims, crotchets and quavers to represent the words within the call-and-response warm-up.
We then built on this by adding in actions to go alongside each of the words.
Once we had warmed up, we discussed a river – how it flowed, what it might see as it makes the journey from the source. As a class we decided key things that would be seen on the journey.
Our new piece of focus music is called ‘Orawa’ (pronounced Arva). It is a piece of music written in 1986 by Wojciech Kilar. Orawa is a river that flows through Slovakia and Poland. The piece describes the river making the journey across Europe and whilst we were listening to it, we discussed how certain aspects of the music might represent some of the key things we had previously listed when thinking about a river’s journey (mountains, trees and villages).
Thank you so much to everyone who came to our celebration of learning after school tonight. It was amazing to see the children sharing their beautiful work with their friends and families. They have worked so hard over the past term and loved our ‘Blue Planet’ expedition. We hope you all have a lovely Easter and we look forward to welcoming you back soon. KS1 Crew x
Today we were scientists in our expeditionary learning and looked at animals and their offspring. We talked about how mammals give birth to live babies and how most reptiles and bird lay eggs. We matched animals and the hound as well as animals which go through a metamorphic changes so they don’t look like their mothers when they are born, such as butterflies and frogs.
Today in crew we explored fairnesses. We explored different scenarios and if we felt they were fair or not, we had some great discussions around how fair can look different to people. Being fair doesn’t always mean that everyone gets the same thing or the same amount of something. It means that everyone gets what they need – this sometimes means people get different things.
We concluded that if all people are treated fairly and treat others fairly too, it can help us all to live happy, healthy and safe lives – it can help people to feel good on the inside!
Leo has been working incredibly hard in Crew, his writing has absolutely blown us all away! He had presented his work beautifully ready for our display. We are so proud of you, Leo!