This week it was lovely to lead KS1s Community Meeting and be a part of all of the celebrations! From Star Readers 📚📖 to Learning Legends 🌟🏆! It was also lovely to hear what each Crew had been up last week and who the superstars were for reading, writing, maths and PE! Well done to you all! 👏
Well done to all of our children who were celebrated in todays community meeting. We celebrated children who had worked hard, to get smart across the curriculum, from children who were applying their maths skills in independently to those who were able to perfect their fundamental skills in PE.
This week, we yet again, had lots to celebrate in our community meeting! We celebrated all of those children who have been reading at home the most in each crew! 📖 We also celebrated a ‘Star Reader’ 🌟 from each crew who has excelled in reading this week and they also had a yummy breakfast 😋 with Mrs Atherton yesterday! We also celebrated our ‘Learning Legends’ of the week 🏆 and it was lovely to see their grown ups here this week celebrating with them, they looked so proud! 😌 Finally we celebrated a member of Crew FE who wanted to shared an award that she had achieved at dancing! 💃 It is so lovely to hear about the children’s achievements out of school each week! 👏
This morning we had our first LKS2 Community Meeting where we invited the parents of those children who were our Learning Legends from last week! It was lovely to share each crews celebrations including ‘crew praises’, ‘HoWLs’, ‘attendance’ and ‘what we’ve done in our crew this week’, as well as ‘Reading Champions’, ‘Star Readers’ and ‘Learning Legends’. Well done to all of those pupils who received a certificate this week! 👏
Today was our last Community Meeting where it will just be us! Next week, we are very much looking forward to welcoming some of our grown ups into our Community Meetings so that we can share all of our amazing learning, celebrations, praises and appreciations!
This week we had lots to celebrate! We celebrated all of those children who took part in our Rounders Competition. Well done everyone! We are all so proud of you! 🏆
We also celebrated all of those children in each crew who read at home the most! 📚 This week’s winning crew was Crew Thompson with a total of 6 crew members reading 5 times last week! Amazing work! 🌟 I wonder which crew will take the crown next week?! 👑 We also celebrated our ‘Star Readers’ who will get to enjoy breakfast with Mrs Atherton next week! 🥐🥤
It was also nice this week to celebrate some of the children’s achievements out of school. This week we had two girls in Crew Thompson who proudly shared their medals 🥇from a recent football ⚽ tournament, where they came first! 🌟 A fantastic achievement! Well done girls! 👏
An amazing week! 🌟 We look forward to sharing more next week!