Exploring a new resource…👀

Crew MW explored a mystery box this morning in outdoor provision…We began by predicting what might be in the box. Some of us thought there might be a giant teddy in there, or a pirate, or maybe even a unicorn! But what we found was some giant polydron pieces! We had lots of fun working together to build using the polydrons outside! We created a house and a tunnel with a trap door and we followed Miss Welburn’s instructions and positional language carefully to make the structures. We even worked out how to rotate the shapes around to make them fit together. The best part was pretending to be the Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs! We huffed, and we puffed, and we blew the house down! 🐷🐷🐷🐺

Handwriting superstar 🌟

Today in crew, we continued to develop our handwriting and showed we were working hard to get smart by – sitting our letters on the line, forming them from the correct starting point and ensuring our letters are of a consistent size. We then voted as a crew who had made the most progress to win the magic handwriting pen 🖊️

Leo won today, even though he voted for someone else ♥️ which also shows just how kind he is.


This week in Crew MW, we’ve been learning all about the Hindu festival of light – Diwali! We’ve explored how Diwali is celebrated through looking at photographs and videos, and we have seen that they set off fireworks as part of their celebrations, just like we do on Bonfire Night!

After we had looked at our photos and the videos, we had an exciting visitor! Miss Shelley came in to do a Diwali dance workshop with us all! We had so much fun and learnt lots of new dance moves!

After our Diwali dancing, we looked at Diva Lamps and thought about how we could make these out of clay. We rolled the clay into a ball, squashed it down and then used the end of a rolling pin to make indentations for the candle. Once we had shaped the lamps, we used the clay tools to create patterns on them. We can’t wait for them to dry out so that we can paint them!

In provision, we have also been using the beads, pasta and coloured sand to make Rangoli patterns! We’ve loved learning all about Diwali!

Roman Writers

We have worked extremely hard to complete our first piece of independent writing about the Romans. We have learned all about how to be a Roman soldier and chunked our writing so that we could explain this in a non-chronological report. We worked hard to edit and improve our work, focusing on ensuring our capital letters and full stops were in the right places, as well as fixing our spellings. Some of us even used conjunctions and extended our sentences. Once we were fully happy, we completed a redraft for our plot points and wrote them out into an entire paragraph.