Case study 3 continues in MI

Today we started to gain an understanding of the different food groups. First of all we thought about why all living things need food and we explored the word nutrition. We watched a variety of different clips on what a balanced diet is and what it includes. We used our previous knowledge on digestion too to support our discussions. Next we explored the eat well guide, thinking about what a healthy meal should be made up of. We then demonstrated our knowledge through a quick quiz. Next we continued to build background information on the food groups. We worked in mini crews to gather facts on each food group. Each person in the crew went to one of the food group information sheets in the classroom and found a fact. They brought this back and added it to to their group paper. At the end each person shared their facts to the rest of the group. From here we continued to demonstrate our knowledge, each mini crew had a go at creating their own eat-well plate. Our final activity allowed us to analyse a variety of menus, deciding if each meal on the menu was balanced or not. We thought about which meals were the most healthy and which were unhealthy. Finally we took part in a kahoot quiz to consolidate our learning!