In Crew Gerrard, we have been working hard on multiplying decimals. We have enjoyed the challenge of transferring our knowledge of multiplying 4 digit numbers by 1 digit. We thought this was going to be really tricky, but we were really confident by the end of it!
In writing, we have continued to work together to write on Gravity after making a return to this piece. The children have now worked on planning their independent write. In order to feel confident and think of different endings, we worked collaboratively to think of ideas. This was such a lovely atmosphere, as the children supported each other and built on the different ideas. Then we planned our own individual pieces, ready to begin writing next week, which I am really excited to read!
We have also continued to work on our sketches during expedition. Next week, we will be moving on to using different mediums, which I know that Crew Gerrard are excited about. Here are some examples!
This week has been a week where I think that Crew Gerrard are quite tired and are ready for their break. We have one week to go guys and I wonder if we can ensure that our HoWL average for the week is secure (3 or above)? This week we have averaged 2.8 and I know that we can finish this half term on a really strong score! Have a great weekend 😆