Crew Mcloughlin Blog 21.05.21

This week has flown by in Crew Mc! Just one week left till half term 😱

Writing- Crew Mc authors✍📖

We started the week finishing off writing up to plot point 10 of Gravity.

Our beautiful work

…but we didn’t stop there. We have turned into authors, where we have began planning writing the ending scenes with our very own ideas for our independent write! We definitely got creative and helped each other with the planning process.

What ideas have we come up with so far? In plot point 13 Sandra Bullock escapes from her shuttle onto an island and later sees herself on TV as a missing person. She blacks out and the ending finds her back in the rocket ready to launch. Then some children went titanic style- a noise of a creaking rocking chair – Sandra is an old woman retelling her story of when she was an astronaut. I am so impressed! We also have thought carefully for each plot point leading up to this, looking at our writing rubric to create our own targets. We’ve considered both grammatical features and certain boombastics to build tension.

Watch this space for when we start writing!

Our HoWL average this week is 3! We have improved from last week so we get a spin of the HoWLopoly wheel!🤩

I know Crew Mcloughlin can do better than this and at the minute some of us are letting the rest of the Crew down by not working as hard and being kind. On Monday we are also going to reflect on our attendance as a Crew as this is slipping at the moment.

Have a lovely weekend Crew! 😊