Experiencing building Noah’s Boat!

This week, as part of The Write Stuff we have begun to read a new book, ‘All afloat on Noah’s boat’ to support our Expedition learning. The book begins with Noah building his ark, therefore we worked in mini crews to build our own arks just like him. During the activity we also generated lots of vocabulary that Mrs Elmer chotted so that we could use this to empower our writing at the end of the week. Such as, we thought about the actions that we were doing that would have been similar to Noah, ‘tapping’, ‘fixing’, ‘concentrating’ and ‘joining’. We also shared how we felt building the arks to experience how we thought Noah might be feeling, ‘happy and excited because I love building’, ‘happy, I like crafting’, ‘nervous and frightened because my boat might not be big enough’, ‘scared because my boat might not float’, ‘hot and tired because building is hard work’. Watch this space for some fabulous writing to come!