Today, we were able to have a chat with an expert about our current expedition. A mental health nurse came to talk to us about mental health and their role in looking after people’s mental health. We learnt more about what our mental health is and why it is important to look after it. This linked to our expedition because if we have a healthy lifestyle, it is easier to enjoy stronger mental health. We looked at how connecting with others, being present in the moment, keeping active, helping others and keeping our minds learning new things are all strategies that we can do to avoid negative mental health concerns. Our expert told us about the network we have around us that we can turn to if we need and pointed out that a lot of what can affect our mental health is often beyond our circle of control. We even got chance to ask some of our own questions about mental health and the type of work that he has seen.
Ultimately, the best way that we can keep mentally healthy is by understanding our own mental health and not being afraid to talk to someone if things start to feel too much for us – it’s normal for people to need help!