Writing Experience

Today, we have started to look at our new unit of writing which will be a diary of a Roman soldier. We will have precious learning to pull from as well as a video stimulus.

We watched the video and discussed the daily routine of a soldier. Children were then asked to plan a light meal for the camp if they were on duty that morning. We had suggestions such as cornflakes, porridge, fry up and pancakes. We discussed the likelihood of these and decided it would have most likely been meat, bread and cheese.

Then we took part in early morning march so we could hear announcements and be issued their job role for the day. We’ll need a bit of work on being able to march in unison. 😂

Finally, they were issued with jobs and then discussed what this job would entail and whether they’d be happy to do it. No surprise the children who would have been cleaning the latrines said they wouldn’t want that job.

Next lesson, we’ll use the feelings, checking, action and imaging lenses to chot some ideas which will support our writing.