Weekly Review 25.06.2021

What a fantastic week of expeditionary exploring!

I have been so impressed by the children’s maturity this week, we are definitely Year 1 ready! The children have enjoyed exploring the text ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. We have investigated which fruit and vegetables grown on the farm, we explored if they grew above or below ground and planted our own vegetables to harvest.

We also had some fantastic, independent writing, retelling the story of Oliver’s vegetables. The children wrote their own chunks of sense, making their work beautiful by ensuring they used finger spaces, capital letters and full stops, Crew Godley you are amazing!

HoWL average…… 3.1

We did it!!! I am so proud of the children this week applying their math’s and phonics independently, there was only one thing for it, lots of 4’s. Grace particularly blew me away, she always shows green standard and sets a great example to her peers ☺️