We just wanted to let you know that we will not be celebrating World Book Day on World Book Day this year….
We have decided that instead we would like to do this a little bit differently moving forward.
Each term, we already plan activities in order to hook our pupils into their new expedition… However, we now want to do this even more so by immersing them into their new text in different ways, which may include dress up and opportunities to complete fun and exciting activities around the text and when we can, we will be asking parents to join us for this too.
This will usually take place 1 x per term, including, Autumn, Spring and Summer.
Therefore, we are not asking children to dress up this coming Thursday as we still have children at home etc.
We are instead going to plan for a special book day in CPS style in the weeks to come. However, we will let you know when, as we need to plan for this to happen and give you plenty of notice etc.
We will however still send out the money offer vouchers for our children to be able to purchase a new book using their money off voucher if they wish.
Watch this space for when your child’s special book day is going to take place.
Miss Laing